Gazetted Entitlement / ഗസെടെഡ് എന്ടൈടില്മെന്ഡ്
- What are the events in the career of a gazetted officer for which inputs are to be sent online to AG via SPARK
- Promotion - gazetted to gazette
- Transfer
- Leave in respect of Finance (Secretariat), Treasury, GST and Lotteries departments only
- What are the online inputs required for promotion/ transfer
- Promotion - Regular Promotion - Orders and both relieving and joining RTCs
- RBHG/TBHG - Promotion Order
- Transfer - Orders and both relieving and joining RTCs
- What are the common mistakes noticed on receipt of online input/ application for Promotion & Transfer events
- Error in Order No., Date, effective date etc
- Sending wrong PDFs with respect to Promotion/Transfer Orders
- Designation shown incorrectly
- DDOs are requested to thoroughly check the details forwarded online before finally uploading the same
- What is the procedure for correction of online input wrongly uploaded/forwarded to AG
- Cancellation request to be generated in spark
- Cancellation request to be sent to AG (through from the official email id of the DDO
- What are common mistakes made by the DDOs while sending online inputs for leave event?
- On many occasions, inputs relating to various short spells of leave are sent together by DDOs. In respect of each spell of leave, RTC on joining duty after leave should be uploaded online against each RTC on relinquishing charge relating to that spell of leave (except in cases of combination of leave)
- For some spells of leave, dates for ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix’ of holidays to leave are not given / uploaded correctly by the DDOs.
- Which are the events for which service details are required by the department from AG
- Declaration of probation
- TBHG/CAP Promotion
- What is the procedure to be followed for obtaining service details from AG
- Request from the competent authority of the department is necessary
- What are the documents required when an officer is placed on deputation (Foreign Service)?
- Orders placing him/her on deputation clearly specifying the period of deputation, RTC on relinquishing charge, LPC.
- Orders of extension of deputation and certificate of officiation for each year of deputation for intimating increments falling due during the period of deputation.
- What are the mistakes noticed on receipt of inputs for issuance of pay slip on repatriation from deputation?
- On repatriation after deputation, leave account in Form 7 and LPC are not seen forwarded to AG, promptly by the foreign employer.
- PEN Number of the employees may be noted in the Orders/correspondence with this office
- What are the documents required if an officer on deputation (Foreign Service) gets promotion and is allowed to continue on deputation?
- In addition to the orders of promotion and RTCs, an intimation from the Parent department showing the details such as name, PEN, date of joining in the promoted post of his/ her immediate junior in the Parent Department etc. are necessary.