Issue of Payslip / പേസ്ലിപ്പ് ഇഷ്യൂ
- The Pay Slip Contains the monthly rates of Pay and Allowances from specified dates
- The Pay Slip is issued from the date of appointment in service up to superannuation/date of death/resignation etc.
- In the latest IFMS scenario payslips are electronically forwarded to the state HR application ,SPARK (Service pay roll and Administrative Repository for Kerala) with the authority of digital signature of Sr. Accounts Officers/Accounts Officers
- The system of forwarding hardcopies of payslips to stake holders and the DDOs were dispensed with on implementation of KSEMP(Kerala State Employee Management Portal).DDOs and Stakeholders are equipped to view/download the authorization by providing minimum login credentials in KSEM Portal
- Pay Slips are issued whenever there is change in pay and allowances
- Whenever a gazetted officer proceeds on leave of any kind or returns there from.
- Whenever an officer is appointed to a temporary post or reverts there from.
- Whenever an officer is transferred from one post to another involving change of designation, even if there is no change in his emoluments.
- Whenever an officer gets suspended consequent on which the subsistence allowance becomes payable to him and later on reinstatement pay slip will be issued.
- Whenever an officer comes from deputation on repatriation
- From the date following the date up to which post has been sanctioned
- Date following the date up to which the officer has been appointed to the post
- From the date following the date of superannuation, death, resignation, dismissal, removal, voluntary retirement etc.
- From the date from which an officer is relieved on foreign service
- For the period of unauthorised absence, period not regularised, breaks etc.