Pension Information / പെൻഷൻ വിവരം
Do's and Don'ts for Pension
- Applications and Service Book duly verifying the service shall be submitted simultaneously, duly filling up all columns in the prescribed format either online or off-line in exceptional cases, verifying the Service of each employee due to retire by the controlling authority well in advance not later than one year. Care shall be taken to close all Government advances/liabilities
- In case of persons on whom Departmental/Judicial proceedings are pending sanction for provisional pension shall be accorded well in advance to avoid the delay
- Don’t sent Service Book without verifying the service upto date and without recording the upto date service entries with proper attestation.
- Don’t send incomplete pension case without Service Book of the retiree or without the required documents.
- Never sanction all pensionary benefits in cases where Judicial/Disciplinary proceedings are pending against an employee.
- Don't forward any application in incomplete shape or without verification of service up to the date of submission.
- Don’t write the name in the pension application different from that recorded in Service Book.
- Don’t send pension proposals in un-prescribed forms.