Office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit), Telangana is responsible for auditing expenditure and receipts flowing in and out of consolidated fund of State.

This office audits all the 32 departments of the State along with Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Enterprises, etc., Technical Guidance and Supervision (TGS) to Urban and Rural Local Bodies is also given by the Principal Accountant General (Audit), Telangana.

The Principal Accountant General also acts as the friend, philosopher and guide to the Public Accounts Committee and Committee on Public Undertakings in connection with the audit reports prepared.

The responsibility of audit all Offices, Authorities/Institutions and PSUs etc under each Department has been divided among three Audit Management Groups (AMGs) headed by Senior Deputy Accountants General/Deputy Accountants General.

Under each AMG, Departments have been categorized as Clusters. Details of Departments under each Cluster under AMG are as follows:-





Health and Welfare

  1. Health Medical & Family Welfare
  2. Scheduled Castes Development
  3. Tribal Welfare
  4. Backward Classes Welfare
  5. Minorities Welfare
  6. Women Children Disabled & Senior Citizens

Education, Skill Development and Employment

  1. School Education
  2. Higher Education
  3. Labour Employment Training & Factories

Law and Order

  1. Home
  2. Law

Culture and Tourism

  1. Youth Advancement Tourism & Culture


Agriculture, Food & Allied Industries

  1. Agriculture & Cooperation
  2. Animal Husbandry Dairy Development & Fisheries
  3. Consumer Affairs Food & Civil Supplies

Water resources

  1. Irrigation & Command Area Development 
  2. Rain Shadow Areas Development

Energy and Power

  1. Energy

Industry and Commerce

  1. Industries & Commerce
  2. Infrastructure & Investment
  3. Public Enterprises

Environment, Science and Technology

  1. Environment Forest Science & Technology


Public Works

  1. Transport Roads & Buildings (except Transport Commissioner) 
  2. Finance Director(Works & Accounts)

IT and Communication

  1. Information Technology Electronics & Communications



  1. Finance (except and Director(Works & Accounts)
  2. Planning
  3. Revenue (except Collectorates including land revenue)

Rural Development

  1. Panchayat Raj & Rural Development



  1. Transport Roads & Buildings (Transport Commissioner)


Urban Development

  1. Housing
  2. Municipal Administration & Urban Development


General Administration

  1. Governor's Secretariat
  2. State Legislature
  3. General Administration
  4. Disaster Management
  5. Revenue (Collectorates including land revenue)





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