Admn.I Section deals with Recruitment, Posting, Promotion, Deputation and General matters. SC/ST Cell to address the grievances of SC/ST employees functioning with Sr. DAG (Admn) who is the Liaison Officer and Sr. AO (Admn) as head of this cell.  The work done by each unit of the section is detailed below:

Unit Remarks


  1. Recruitment of Asst. Audit Officers (Audit) on probation, Stenos, Auditors, Clerks, MTS and related correspondence and fixation of seniority among direct recruits.
  2. Recruitment of meritorious sports persons to various  Group ‘C’ posts.
  3. Implementation of the scheme of compassionate appointment.


Details of officials recruited to various cadres in the panel year.

Office Orders

Details relating to Departmental Screening Committee meetings to select candidates who applied for appointment on compassionate grounds.


  1. Preparation of Panel material for Promotion to various cadres from MTS and up to Sr.AO.
  2. Correspondence with Headquarters Office relating to Group A& B Gazetted Officers and selection of Welfare Officer and Welfare Assistant.
  3. Processing of cases under MACP Scheme and grant of NFU to AAOs
  4. Material for All India Combined Eligibility List for Sr. AOs of I A & AD. 
  5. Sanction of advance increments to Stenographers.
  6. Gazette notification in respect of Group Gazetted cadres.
  7. Maintenance of reservation rosters for cadres with promotion as method of appointment.

Office orders regarding promotions, MACP, circulation of All India Combined Eligibility list etc.


  1. Issue of posting/transfer (including Mutual Transfer) orders.
  2. Sanction of Special pay to SAS passed officials.
  3. Sanction of Special Casual Leave and 
  4. Furnishing of Staff Position statements to Headquarters Office.


Posting orders, sanction of pay, sanction of special casual leave.

Office Orders

  1. Maintenance of Database of the Staff working in Os/o AG(Au), TS and PDA(C), Hyderabad.
  2. Forwarding of representations to Headquarters in respect of AAO(C), Hindi Cadre officials.
  3. Processing of Mutual Transfer cases.
  4. Formation and Winding up of sections/Adhoc cells 



  1. Receipt of demands from organizations and circulation of deputation notices among the staff with the approval of the Accountant General.
  2. To obtain necessary orders of Accountant General for sponsoring staff to various organizations
  3. In case of non-receipt of applications, sending of nil reports to organizations concerned
  4. Sending reminders to organization before the expiry of deputation period in order to take necessary administrative action with regard to extension/repatriation/ to obtain approval of Headquarters office for extension for the fifth year onwards.
  5. Sending reminders in case of non-receipt of selection of the officials from the recommendation list sent from our office.
  6. Submission of Half yearly/Annual and Monthly returns and closing of registers.
  1. Processing of absorption cases.
  2. Processing of cases of outstation postings in foreign countries and UN/Embassy Audit and temporary deputation to Haj.


Circulation of deputation notices.

Office Order regarding deputation to/from this office.



Office Order regarding Extension of deputation term and repatriation 


  1. All the miscellaneous and General work of the section.
  2. Preparation of material for Monthly Arrear Report and submission of Monthly Performance Report. c) Submission of periodical Returns.
  1. Maintenance of SC/ST officials grievance register.
  2. Issue of notices & Circulars of general nature relating to the entire office in respect of celebration days on the dates prescribed.


Circulars         regarding observance/celebration of various specified days.

Admn.II section deals with Departmental Examinations, Loans and Advances, Resignations (Technical & Personal), Voluntary Retirements, Superannuation Retirements, FR 56(j) Review and Honorarium and Insurance. The work done by each unit of the section is detailed below:



  1. Quarterly Type Test to be held during January, April, July and October. (4times in a year)
  2. Departmental Examination for Auditors (DEA) during February and August. (Twice in a year)
  3. Incentive Examination for Sr. Auditors during April.
  4. Preliminary Test for SAS candidates during February/March.
  5. SAS/RA/CPD (Annual/Regular) Examination during August/September
  6. Supplementary SAS/RA/CPD Examination during February/March
  7. Departmental Examination for 12th pass MTS for promotion as Clerks during September.


  1. Superannuation Retirements
  2. Voluntary Retirements
  3. Invalidation Retirements on Medical grounds
  4. Resignation ( Technical and Personal)
  5. Quarterly Review under FR 56(j)
  6. Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual returns
  7. Correction slips to MSO (Admn) Vol I, Vol II, MGP etc


  1. Calculation of Group Insurance (CGEGIS) in r/o officials retired on superannuation/voluntarily.
  2. Sanction of Honorarium to internal faculties of Training Wing.
  3. Sanction of Honorarium to standing counsel for legal matters under the Head of account professional services (Legal Expenses).
  4. Sanction of Honorarium to expert faculties under the Head of account professional services (others)
  5. Sanction of Honorarium to the officials for meritorious work and contribution to audit report.
  6. Sanction of OTA claims.


  1. Loans and Advances, all correspondence related to PCA/HBA in coordination with PAO and preparation of Budget requirements for PCA/HBA in addition to watching recoveries.
  2. Monitoring of updation of manuals.


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