About General Provident Fund
PF Group maintains and authorizes GPF accounts in respect of State Government employees of Govt. of Odisha those are covered under GPF Rules.
PF Group maintains and authorizes GPF accounts in respect of State Government employees of Govt. of Odisha those are covered under GPF Rules.
All temporary Government servants after a continuous service of one year, and all permanent Government servants shall subscribe to the Fund.
GPF Subscriptions are being credited to the subscribers account every month and the same are available in the website of this office as well as also sent to the registered subscriber along with the up to date balance through SMS
About Pension
Pension Group receives applications from PSAs online through iFMS-Odisha and downloaded at AG office. The same are imported to SAI pension system and processed in the system . After finalization of the pension cases by Pension Issuing Authority (PIA) i.e. AG office, e-authorities for pensionary benefits are generated and uploaded in the iFMS under digital signature for taking further necessary action at Treasury level.
The pension is sanctioned by the designated officer of a department after receipt of the application by the retiring Government servant well in advance and checking of entitlements. Such sanction along with a copy of the pension application submitted by the retiring Government servant is communicated to the Accountant General (A&E) for further checking of entitlements as per the Orissa Civil service (Pension) Rules 1992 read with Orissa Civil service (Pension) Rules 1992(second edition, as updated up to 31.12.2015) and authorizes the Pension, Gratuity and Commuted value of the pension to the Treasury Officer where the retired Government servant had desired to take payment. The Pension Sanctioning Authority is also intimated of the fact of authorization of pension.
Kinds of Pension The following are the kinds of pension:- Regular pension/Service pension, Family Pension, Special Seal Authority(SSA) incoming/outgoing Pension, Revision of Pension/Family Pension Freedom Fighters Pension Pro-rata Pension MLA/MLC pension
Processing of pension application Pension applications are received from PSAs online through iFMS-Odisha and downloaded at AG office. The same are imported to SAI pension system and processed in the system for finalization of the cases.
About Accounts
Accounts & VLC maintains Loans and Advances of the State from Government of India Inter-Government settlement and Deposit Accounts and prepares Appropriation Accounts and Finance Accounts of State Government....
28 Jan
Corrigendum to Tender Inquiry for E-Waste Disposal - Published on 10.12.2024 - reg. -
28 Jan
Bids are invited for supply, installation, commissioning of IP based CCTV Surveillance System- reg. -
09 Jan
Quotation are invited for the printing of the 108th edition of Hindi magazine "Toshali" -
10 Dec
Tender for Disposal of E-Waste
- Corrigendum to Tender Inquiry for E-Waste Disposal - Published on 10.12.2024 - reg.(PDF, 435.14 KB)
- Bids are invited for supply, installation, commissioning of IP based CCTV Surveillance System- reg. (PDF, 553.99 KB)
- Quotation are invited for the printing of the 108th edition of Hindi magazine "Toshali"(PDF, 1,005.9 KB)
- Tender for Disposal of E-Waste(PDF, 15.89 MB)