Title Date Document/Link
Corrigendum to Tender Inquiry for E-Waste Disposal - Published on 10.12.2024 - reg. 28-Jan-2025 PDF (0.42 MB)
Bids are invited for supply, installation, commissioning of IP based CCTV Surveillance System- reg. 28-Jan-2025 PDF (0.54 MB)
Quotation are invited for the printing of the 108th edition of Hindi magazine "Toshali" 09-Jan-2025 PDF (0.98 MB)
Tender for Disposal of E-Waste 10-Dec-2024 PDF (15.89 MB)
Quotation for printing of the 104th edition of Hindi magazine "Vatayan" 21-Aug-2024 PDF (0.64 MB)
Bids are invited for Change Management in VLC package only through GeM portal (GeM/2023/B/3387512) 21-Aug-2024 PDF (2.84 MB)
Quotation are invited for the printing of the 105th edition of Hindi magazine "Vatayan" 21-Aug-2024 PDF (1.93 MB)
Quotation are invited for the printing of 107th edition of Hindi half yearly magazine "Toshali" 16-Aug-2024 PDF (1.91 MB)
Annual GPF statement of the GPF subscribers for the Financial Year 2023-2024- reg. 24-Jun-2024 PDF (0.01 MB)
GPF e-STATEMENT_2023-24 21-Jun-2024 PDF (0.55 MB)