(C) GPF Nomination

(1) Nomination and Payment

(a). Nomination for the right to receive the amount:

(1) A subscriber shall, at the time of joining the fund, send to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Haryana through the Head of Office, a nomination in Form P.F. No. 2 (in triplicate) conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the payable amount of the fund, in the event of his death:

Provided that if, at the time of making the nomination, the subscriber has a family, the nomination shall not be in favour of any person(s) other than the member(s) of his/her family: Provided further that a nomination made by a Muhammadan subscriber in favour of his/her adopted child shall not be accepted, as adoption is not recognized in Muhammadan Law.

(2) If a subscriber nominates more than one person under sub-rule (1), he/she shall specify in the nomination the share payable to each of the nominee in such manner as to cover the whole of the amount that may become payable in the event of death of subscriber.

(b)  Cancellation or revision of nomination:

(1) A subscriber may at any time cancel or revise the nomination by sending a notice in writing to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Haryana through his Head of Office, keeping in view the conditions laid down in Rule 14 above. The subscriber shall, along with such notice or separately, send a fresh nomination, through his/her Head of Office, in accordance with the provisions of this rule. If the subscriber fails to furnish a fresh nomination and the General Provident Fund deposit becomes payable as a result of death of the subscriber, the payment shall be made in accordance with the rules of the fund as if no valid nomination subsists.

(2) Immediately on the death of a nominee in respect of whom no special provision has been made in the nomination or on the occurrence of any event by reason of which the nomination becomes invalid in pursuance of rule 17, the subscriber shall send to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Haryana through his Head of Office, a notice in writing cancelling the nomination together with a fresh nomination made in accordance with the provision of this rule.

Note.─ Nomination made while in service can also be revised even after retirement by a subscriber until the application for final payment is submitted by him/her.

(c) Specific nomination of other member(s) in the event of death of nominee.—

A subscriber may, in respect of any specified nominee, provide in the nomination that in the event of death of nominee, the right conferred upon that nominee shall pass on to such other person(s) as may be specified in the nomination, provided that such other person(s), if the subscriber has any member(s) in his/her family, shall be such other member(s).

(d)  Events when nomination becomes invalid:

A nomination shall become invalid in the event of the happening of a contingency specified therein: Provided that if at the time of making the nomination, the subscriber has─

(i) no family; or

(ii) only one member of the family, he/she shall provide in the nomination that the right conferred upon the alternate nominee under rule 16 shall become invalid in the event of his/her subsequently acquiring family or other member(s) in his/her family, as the case may be.

(e) Date of effect of nomination:

Every nomination made and every notice of cancellation given by a subscriber shall, to the extent that it is valid, have effect on the date on which it is received by the Head of Office.

(f) Criminal proceedings against nominee:

A nominee facing trial for the murder of the subscriber may be denied payment till the decision of the court. If on the conclusion of the criminal proceedings, the person concerned is acquitted of the charge of murdering or abetting in the murder of the subscriber, his/her share shall be paid to him/her. If the nominee is convicted for the murder or abetting in the murder of the subscriber, he/she shall stand debarred from receiving his/her share which shall be payable to other nominees or eligible members of the family or legal heir(s) of the subscriber, as per provisions of these rules.

(g) Payment to person other than nominee:

The payment of fund money in accordance with the nomination earns a valid discharge for the Government but if any court of law decrees that payment shall be made to persons other than the nominee(s), before actual payment has been made to the nominee(s), the orders of the court shall be complied with.

(h) Payment to a person on succession certificate:

If a subscriber dies having no family member and without any valid nomination, then the payment shall be made to the claimant on production of succession certificate from the court of law.