Shri Pramod Kumar, IA&AS
Additional Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General


Shri Pramod Kumar, Additional Deputy CAG has 31 years of distinguished service behind him. In his current assignments he looks after administrative issues of all the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments in India. He is also assigned the work of GASAB.

In his first posting as Deputy Accountant General he led the audit of Fodder Scam in Bihar and was designated officer for co-ordinating with all other investigating agencies.

He worked as Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region with a wide mandate of  developing the eight hilly states of NE Region.

He is the founder Principal Director of Overseas Audit Office of CAG at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

He specializes in effectively implementing the constitutional mandate of the CAG in the states of India.

In his role as Member Audit Board (MAB) looking after audit of PSUs he was instrumental in developing a handbook of useful T codes for auditing in SAP environment by audit teams.

A Bachelor of Arts in  Economics (Honours) from Delhi University and was pursuing his Masters in Economics from Delhi School of Economics when he was selected in Civil Service in 1992.

Shri Pramod Kumar has done several overseas Audit assignments conducting audit of missions and the UN Hqrs in Geneva.

Shri Pramod Kumar is an avid sportsman, passionate about literature and cultural exploration and a devoted yoga practitioner.



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