लेखापरीक्षा प्रबंधन समूह-II

The Economic Sector Audit of Office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit II) is being carried out by its Branch Office Audit Management Group-II at Puri. This sector deals with audit of expenditure under section 13 & 16  in respect of Departments pertaining to Economic Sector Group and audit of receipts and expenditure of bodies and authorities under section 14 of Departments pertaining to AMG-II Group are done in Economic Sector Audit.
The Brach office has the following sections:
1.Office Establishment Section deals with maintenance of Service Books and Leave Records, Disbursement of pay & allowances, nomination for training of officials and other administrative matters. Maintenance of Service Book of the establishment, Internal transfer and postings, Order relating to LTC, GPF, Final GPF, CGEGIS, Leave Salary, Allotment of Budget under different heads, Permission for outside job, passport, visa etc., Vigilance Cell is being looked after by Admn. Section since 19/04/2016, Deals with Pay fixation, Dispatch, Receipt and inward distribution of all headquarter letters to all sections, preparation of pay bills. Advances of TA/TTA/LTC bill and finalization of final bill of 
TA/TTA/LTC, withdrawal of GPF, Medical claims, CEA of Group-A, B,C & MTS employees & deduction of Income tax of all cadre.
2. Vetting section deals with sending of intimation of Audit to the Auditee Units, vetting of DIRs and issue of IRs, Transfer of Potential paras to DP Cell, uploading of IR/Paras into “OCAMP Portal”, recording of IR/Paras in the outstanding Register and taken into Progress Report, recording of cases involved in “Fraud and Corruption” and submission of the same to FINAT., attending Triangular Committee Meetings for settlement of IR/Paras, preparation of MIS Report, Monthly Progress Report, other reports as and when required, recording of Special Point/press clipping and send it to Audit Party during Inspection for examining and scrutiny of Tour Diary of Field Party Personnel

3. Draft Para Cell 
Draft Para cell deals with the examination of potential cases and prepares DNs and submitted to Report Section for processing them in to DPs.
4.    EDP & DA Cell: - All activities relating to procurement and distribution of hardware, software and maintaining inventory thereof, web hosting etc are managed and maintained by EDP section in addition to monitoring of activities of Data Analytic cell. The Data Analytic Cell was constituted for the purpose of analysing the VLC data for formulation of Annual Audit Plan, and. providing inputs to field parties for use in field audit

The FINAT Section deals with issue of Audit Observations, submission of materials for report, examination of agreement received from Divisions, .issue of Audit Certificate,. cases of loss and defalcation:-

The FAA Sections deals with Receipt, Selection and checking of monthly accounts and vouchers.
Resources: Act and Manual
This office maintains a local manual viz: “ Manual of Works Audit” and updates it from time to time.

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