Sl. No. |
Section |
Function |
1 |
Sectt. to AMG-V& (Admin) |
2 |
Admin-XI |
- Cadre control of Sr. AOs (Gr.A) & Group 'B' officers (Civil) including transfer, posting, leave, increment etc.
- Service Books/Personal files maintenance of Gr. A & B staff
- Permissions under Conduct Rules to PAG(AUDIT-I)'s staff
- Issue of NOC for Passport, Permission/NOC for appearing in exams to PAG(AUDIT-I)'s staff
- Service Association matters (03 Associations)
- Deputations
- Annual Property Returns
- Mutual transfers
3. |
Admin-XII |
- Cadre control of Gr. "B" (non-gazetted except Supervisor) & Group 'C' staff including transfer and posting as cadre controlling.
- All Pension cases of PAG(AUDIT-I)
- Recruitment of Group 'C' through SSC/Sports Quota and Compassionate appointment. Verification of douments as cadre controlling.
- Preparation of Gradation List as cadre controlling.
- Work regarding permission for purchase and sale of movable/immovable property of officials in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-7.
- Work regarding Document Verification of officials in Pay Level-1 to Pay Level-7.
- All types of pay fixation and pay anomaly cases of all cadres (including retired officials).
4. |
Admin-XIII |
- Medical, TA and LTC claims of all cadres
- Sanction of HBA, Computer and medical advances
5. |
Admin-XIV |
- Preparation of pay bills of Group ‘A’,’B’ & ‘C’ employees.
- Preparation of bills of GPF, HBA, CEA and all advances to officials.
- Preparation of contingency bills
- Control over budget through submission of monthly expenditure reports to CAG.
- Income Tax Deduction.
6. |
Confidential Cell |
- Preparation of promotion panels in respect of Supervisor & Above.
- Review under FR 56(j) on attaining the age of 50/55 years of age/ under FR 56 (l) & Pension Rule 48 (1)(b) on completion of 30 years of service
- Preparation of MACP panels
7. |
Legal Cell |
- Tribunal and Court cases and other legal matters
- Examinations
- Trainings- In house & RTI Nagpur
- Disposal of applications/appeals under RTI Act
8. |
Exam & Training Cell |
- Preparation of In-house training calendar for General Courses and Nomination of Officer/Officials for these courses.
- Organization of In-house training and Workshop.
- Nomination for In-house Computer training organized by IS-Wing
- Nomination of Group Officers, Gr. A & B Officers and Gr. B & C Staffs for RTIs/RTCs and various other Training Institutes.
- Quarterly Typing Test
- SAS Preliminary Exam
- Departmental Exam for Auditors (February & August)
- Self-Learning Module
- Incentive Exam for Sr Auditors
- DEO Gr ‘A’ to DEO Gr ‘B’ Evaluation Test
- Limited Departmental Competitive Exam for Clerks
- Speed Test for Stenographers
- DEO Gr ‘B’ to DEO Gr ‘D’ Evaluation Test
- Evaluation test for Promotion to the post of SAO.
- Evaluation test for Promotion to the post of Assistant Audit Officer.
10. |
Cash Branch/PAO-5 |
- After entering the various dues received from Section Admin-13 and Admin-14 in BTR, forward them to Pay and Accounts Office for payment.
- After bill payment, maintain payment related information such as Token no., Voucher No., e-payment date etc. and enter the bill in register.
- Depositing of Cash Receipts such as RTI, Rent, License Fees & water charges and refund of any other type of advance etc. through Challan and depositing the receipts received in the form of Cheque/Demand draft in SBI Main Branch.
- Receiving payment of received postal amount from the post office.
- Maintaining cash register related to total receipts and deposits.
- To have better control over cash, concurrent checking of all entries made in the cash book should be done by the assistant audit officer nominated by the head of the office every month.
- Maintenance of accounts of Imprest Fund and ensuring supply of required amount under Imprest Fund.
11. |
Hindi Cell |
- Hindi translation work
- To ensure Implementation of Rajbhasha Act.
- Publication of Official Half Yearly magazine 'Gopadri'.
- Town Official language Implementation Committee, Gwalior related works.
- Publication of Joint Yearly magazine "Prayas“ of Town Official language Implementation Committee, Gwalior
12. |
General Section and Estate management |
- Control of MTS
- Receipt & dispatch of dak
- Library (Departmental/Official: Hindi-778, English-2638, Other Books: About 1200)
- Stationary
- Old Records
- Estate Management Functions
- Quarters (640), State Bungalows (03), Guest Houses (02) Community Hall
13. |
Executive Branch |
- Housekeeping functions.
- Purchase of other than IT & stationery.
- All payments of electricity and telephone bills .
- Maintenance of photocopiers and other miscellaneous articles, staff car.
- Outsourcing of contingent persons.
- Control of Budget
- Deals with Budget under office expenses.
14. |
I.S Wing |
IS-Wing mainly deals with In-house computer trainings, Creation/Updation of official emails, Back-up of the data under Disaster Management Plan, procurement of computer hardware & its peripherals, procurement of consumable items, issuing computer stationery and maintenance of composite website and intranet website. A new Section E-Cell is recently introduced under Senior Audit Officer/IS Wing which deals with OIOS, E-office and E-hrms. |
15. |
- Controlling section of FAAS-1 & FAAPs
- Preparation of Annual Performance Report
- Correspondence with respect to Audit Notes, Objection Book cases and cases relating defalcation, fraud & loss (Grant No. 05,13,14,16,17,18,27,30,39,40,43,44,47,50,53,54,59)
- Issue of Audit Certificate in respect of State Plan, Central Sector and Centrally sponsored schemes in relation to above Grants.
- Audit of financial and administrative sanctions relation to the Grants mentioned above.
16. |
- Supporting section of FAAPs.
- Follow up of Audit Notes, Objection Book Cases, and Loss-defalcation Cases related to the allotted departments.
- Issuance of Audit Certificates w.r.t. State Plan, Central Sector, and Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
- Audit of financial and administrative sanctions w.r.t. the allotted departments.
17. |
- FAAP-I deals with local Financial Attestation Audit of vouchers relating to 27 Grants (as in FY 2024-25) received in O/oPAG (A&E)-I & II, Gwalior
- FAAP-II deals with local Financial Attestation Audit of vouchers relating to 27 Grants (as in FY 2024-25) received in O/oPAG (A&E)-I & II, Gwalior, Correspondence with FINAAT section for gathering sampled vouchers, TC Sections.
- FAAP-III deals with GPF vouchers and Monthly Appropriation Account in O/o PAG (A&E) I&II, Gwalior, Correspondence with O/o PAG (A&E) I&II, Gwalior to get correct data regarding GPF accounts of State Govt. Officials.
- FAAP 20-21 Audit of monthly accounts relating to Rural Engineering Service, Correspondence with FINAAT section for gathering sampled vouchers, TC Sections.
18. |
Welfare Branch |
Welfare branch works under the control of Welfare Officer and looks after the welfare activities of staff posted at Gwalior in the three offices under the cadre control of PAG(AUDIT-I)
Welfare officer is also required to discharge duties and responsibilities attached to the post of Secretary of Central Government Welfare Coordination Committee, Gwalior which is headed by the Chairman PAG (Audit-I) |