- Introduction
संस्वीकृत एवं वर्तमान कार्मिक संख्या
पदक्रम की सूची
परिपत्र और आदेश
- सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम
- कार्यालय मैनुअल
स्थानांतरण और पोस्टिंग दिशानिर्देश
बोर्ड और समितियाँ
- राजभाषा
- IA और AD के लिए आचार संहिता
अनुभाग और कार्य
Minutes of Meeting
SOP for Providing Legal Assistance and Logistics support to Retired Officials of IA&AD.
Following boards/committees are operative in the office:-
कार्यस्थल पर कामकाजी महिलाओं के यौन उत्पीड़न की रोकथाम समिति
क्र | नाम तथा पदनाम | पद |
1 | श्रीमति पल्लवी होल्कर , व. उप महालेखाकर (AMG-II) | अध्यक्षा |
2 | श्री एच टी फुलपडिया व. उप महालेखाकर प्रशासन (Additional Charge कल्याण अधिकारी) | सदस्या |
3 | श्री ओ श्रीनिवास वरिष्ठ. लेखापरीक्षा अधिकारी./प्रशासन | सदस्या |
4 | श्रीमति. पी एस सरमा व. ले. प. अ/समन्वय | सदस्या |
5 | श्री अनिल नामदेवराव रेवतकर, NGO | सदस्या |
6 | श्रीमति एल के आशा स.ले . प . अ /एएमजी-III (मुख्यालय) | सदस्या |
7 | श्रीमति वी ए सूर्यवंशी वरिष्ठ लेखा परीक्षक/ओ ई-I | सदस्या |
Bare act of sexual harassment | Link |
Disaster Management Committee: -
पदनाम | पद |
Accountant General | Chairman |
Dy. Accountant General/Administration | Members |
Sr. Audit Officer/Office Establishment | Members |
Secretary to Accountant General | Members |
Sr. Audit Officer/ Administration | Members |
Sr. Audit Officer / Information Technology | Members |
Assistant Audit Officer/Office Establishment-II | Members |
Training Needs Analysis Committee:
पदनाम | पद |
Accountant General | Chairperson |
Dy. Accountant General (Administration) | Convenor |
Director General (RTI) | Members |
Dy. Accountant General/ AMG-II | Members |
Dy. Accountant General/ AMG-III | Members |
Dy. Accountant General/ AMG-IV | Members |
Official Language Implementation Committee:
पदनाम | पद |
Accountant General | Chairperson |
Dy. Accountant General (Administration) | Rajbhasha Adhikari |
Hindi Adhikari /Sr. Audit Officer (Coordination) | Secretary |
All Group Officers | Members |
Welfare Officer | Members |
Sr. Audit Officers and Asst Audit Officers in Headquarter | Members |
Departmental Promotion Committees constituted as prescribed in the respective recruitment rules applicable to the posts.
Intra office Transfer and posting of Group B (Gazetted Officer)
पदनाम | पद |
Accountant General | Accepting Authority |
Senior most of the group officer | chairperson |
All Group Officers | Members |
Branch Officer in charge of Administration | Members |
Intra office Transfer and posting of Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Group C officials:
पदनाम | पद |
Group Officer In charge of Administration | Accepting Authority |
Senior most branch officer of (Admin, Co-ordination, AMG-III) | chairperson |
Branch Officer In charge of Administration | Members |
Branch Officer In charge of Coordination | Members |
Branch Officer in charge of AMG-III | Members |