Abdul Rauf Director General Shri Abdul Rauf joined as Director General, Regional Capacity Building and Knowledge Institute, Mumbai on 01-04-2021. He joined the department as Direct Recruit IA&AS Officer of the 1996 Batch. He is an Engineering Graduate and has also done his Masters in Business Administration (MBA). His last posting was as Accountant General (A&E), Assam. Prior to that he was Principal Director, RTI Mumbai from 2012 to 2016. He has also been associated with Audits of UN Organisations viz WFP, Rome, Brazil, Sudan etc and UNPKO, Haiti.
S Sivakameswaran (IA&AS - Retd.) |
Core Faculty (Knowledge Centre)Krithika Kanojia |
Jayashree Chettiar |
Core Faculty/General |
Sundar Ramakrishnan |
Core Faculty/General |
Krithika Kanojia |
Core Faculty/EDP |
Girijesh Pandey |
Core Faculty/EDP |
Ajinkya Pawar |
AAO/Admin & CF(EDP) |
Prashant Mane |
Dheeraj Bharadwaj | AAO/OIOS |
Raman Kumar | AAO/e-HRMS |
Aditya Gajbhiye | AAO/e-HRMS |