About Us
List of members of Regional Advisory Committee in seniority order
1 | Shri. S. K. Jaipuriyar | Director General of Audit (Central), Ahmedabad |
2 | Shri. C. M. Sane |
Principal Accountant General (Audit )- I, Maharashtra, Mumbai |
3 | Shri S K Jha | Principal Accountant General (A&E)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai |
4 | Shri B D Parmar | Director General of Commercial Audit, Mumbai |
5 | Shri Sandip Roy | Director General of Audit (Shipping), Mumbai |
6 | Ms. Tanuja Mittal | Director General of Audit, Central Railway, Mumbai |
7 | Shri. Abdul Rauf | Director General, RCB & KI Mumbai |
8 | Shri D R Patil | Principal Accountant Gneral (Audit) - II, Maharashtra, Nagpur |
9 | Shri. Bijit Kumar Mukherjee | Principal Accountant General (Audit)-II, Gujarat, Ahmedabad |
10 | Ms. Aastha Luthra | Principal Director of Audit (Central), Mumbai |
11 | Ms. Preethi Abraham | Principal Director of Audit (Defence Services), Pune |
12 | Shri. R. K. Solanki | Principal Accountant General (A&E), Gujarat, Rajkot |
13 | Ms. Eti Shukla | Accountant General (Audit), Goa |
14 | Shri Anubhav Kumar Singh | Accountant General (Audit) - Gujarat, Rajkot |
15 | Ms. Supriya Singh | Principal Director of Audit (Western Railway), Mumbai |
16 | Shri. Sugendran P | Director of Audit, Ordnance Factories, Khadki, Pune |
17 | Ms.Geetha Raghu | Director, O/o the Director General of Audit (Finance and Communication), Delhi at Mumbai |
18 | Shri Waghela D D | Director, O/o the Director General of Audit ( Finance and Communication), Delhi at Ahmedabad |
19 | Ms. Veena Baliga | Dy. Director of Audit (Environment & Scientific Departments), Branch Mumbai |
20 | Shri Anand Nagchandi | Dy. Director of Audit (Navy), Mumbai |
21 | Shri Pankaj Vaid | Dy. Director, O/o the Principal Director of Audit (Agriculture, Food and Water Resources) Delhi at Mumbai (Addl Charge) |