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Recognising the importance accorded by the Planning Commission, Government of India for a district-centric approach to devolution of finances for integrated local area development, a district-centric Performance Audit (PA) of South district was carried out to assess the status and impact of implementation of various socio-economic developmental activities in the district during 2006-11 and also to evaluate whether quality of life of people has improved.
The PA covered key areas of social sector programmes relating to Health, Education, Water supply, sewerage and Urban Development, economic sector programmes relating to Creation of roads and other infrastructure, Employment generation, Energy and power, Tourism and Agriculture and allied services and general sector programmes relating to use of Information Technology to provide better public services, Policing and Provision of basic civic amenities, etc.
While the PA has brought out many positives in the social sector programmes relating to health; there were, however, many other areas where the State/ District administration needs to focus its attention. Audit scrutiny revealed that District Planning Committee (DPC) had neither prepared Perspective Plan nor any Consolidated Annual Plan for the district for the period 2006-11 except preparing a statement of targeted number of works and outlay at the level of the GPs/villages, the Blocks and the District. No shelf of projects was prepared at any level on annual basis. The local level of administration like the Blocks and GPUs were not involved in providing any inputs to the planning process. Other line departments got their works sanctioned on an adhoc basis by their head office based on availability of funds and on the proposals submitted by the MPs/MLAs/Other individuals as per perceived benefit to the local populace. In fact, there was no integrated District Plan. District Technical Support Committee (DTSC) and Gram Planning Forum (GPF) were not constituted in the district.