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This Report contains 21 audit paragraphs (including 3 general paragraphs) and 4 Performance Reviews. There is also a separate chapter on Integrated Audit of Urban Development and Housing Department. According to the existing arrangements, copies of the draft audit paragraphs and draft performance reviews were sent to the Secretary of the Department concerned by the Accountant General (Audit) with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. Replies were not received from the departments concerned in respect of 4 paragraphs.
The Right to Education was reckoned as a fundamental right by amendment of the Constitution in 2002 which expected the State Governments to provide free and compulsory education to all children between six andfourteen years of age and early childhood care and education to children upto the age of six years. The State had accorded highest priority to the education sector by providing a considerably high outlay leading to highest per capita expenditure in the country. However, the State Government had neither formulated a state policy on Education nor spelt out any vision statement. While the Perspective Plan was notfinalised, Annual Plans were prepared merely for the purpose of availing budgetary grants.
The Gross enrolment ratio declinedfrom 118 in 2007 to 115 in 2011 for primary level and Net enrolment ratio from 58 to 36 in case of upper primary level during the same period highlighting the needfor encouraging children to join school as per appropriate age. Out of 40 schools visited by Audit 2 schools (Shipgyer PS and Rolu-Manpur PS) were not Jit for holding classes, toilets at Jarong PS, LingzyaJHS, and Yalli PS, were unusable. The ceilings and classrooms were worn out at Pathing JHS, Goam JHS, Yalli PS, Jaron PS and Panthang PS. While 112 teachers (out of324 in the forty schools test checked) did not possess the minimum prescribed educational qualification and were still untrained, irrational deployment of teachers led to concentration of excess teachers in easily accessible areas at the cost of remote areas affecting quality of education in rural areas. While majority of students fell under average and below average category; teachers were graded under C and D category indicating average quality of teaching-learning process in the State. The important Committees (State Advisory Committee and State Quality Education Committee) were not constituted as of November 2011. In the absence of these Committees, expert opinion and suggestions from the Committees could not be obtained and therefore, the important aspects of quality education remained neglected.