Indian Audit & Accounts Department
The Regional Capacity Building and Knowledge Institute Ranchi was established in the year 1982 in the office of the Accountant General Bihar. The Institute...
RAC Regional Advisory Committee 1. Principal Accountant General (Audit), Jharkhand, Ranchi 2. Principal Accountant...
1. Audit of State Receipt 2. Works Audit
The vision of SAI India represents what we aspire to become: We strive to be a global leader and initiator of national...
Our mission enunciates our current role and describes what we are doing today: Mandated by the Constitution of India, we...
Our core values are the guiding beacons for all that we do and give us the benchmarks for assessing our performance,...
Recreational Facilities RTI Ranchi attaches due importance to the need of recreation of the participants. In addition...