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In recognition of the importance accorded by the Planning Commission, Government of India, for a District-centric approach to devolution of finances towards integrated local area development, a District-centric audit of Malda district was carried out to assess the status and impact of implementation of various socio-economic developmental activities in the District during 2007-12 and to evaluate improvement in the quality of life of the people. The review covered key Social Sector programmes relating to health, education, nutrition and water supply. Economic Sector programmes relating to creation of roads, supply of power, development of agriculture, generation of employment etc. and provision of basic civic amenities to provide better public services, etc. Malda being one of the major flood prone Districts, an assessment of Hie efficacy of the anti-erosion works undertaken by Government was also done by Audit.
For reviewing various issues of implementation of all these schemes at various levels, records of the nodal Departments/ State level nodal agencies. District level records of file District Magistrate/ Zilla Parishad/ District Rural Development Cell/ other District level nodal authorities were test checked by Audit. Moreover, for assessing ground level implementation issues, five Development Blocks and seventeen Gram Panchayats were visited by audit.
Under the Health Sector, performance analysis of implementation of various components of National Rural Health Mission disclosed that in the absence of household survey and survey to assess the facilities, planning was not sufficiently linked to reality. There were noticeable shortages in terms of availability of health centres, especially Community Health Centres and Primary7 Health Centres in the District based on rural population as per Census 2011. Sample checks showed that even the existing health centres lacked basic infrastructure /services. Shortage of manpower as compared to Indian Public Health Standard (IPHS) norms was also a matter of serious concern. Although Institutional deliveries showed an upward trend during last five years, it still registered significant shortfall ranging from 50 to 66 per cent during 2007-12. The aim of providing accessible and affordable healthcare to the people thus remained unachieved in the District.