Shri Sanjay Kumar Jha
Principal Accountant General

Shri Sanjay Kumar Jha assumed the charge of Principal Accountant General (A&E)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai in June 2024. He belongs to 1993 batch of IAAS. He has done B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering and MBA in Finance.

He worked as Director General of Audit (Energy), New Delhi, just before joining this office. During his stint as Director General of Audit (Environment & Scientific Departments), he received CAG’s Award for “Innovation and Excellence in Public Auditing and Accounting (Category-I), 2022”, on the topic “Conservation of Coastal Ecosystem”, which was also showcased while making a presentation on the “Blue Economy” during SAI 20 in the sidelines of G-20 held in 2023. 

While he has done short term international assignments in Auditing organizations, such as WHO, UNICEF and FAO; he has done long term assignment (Minister level) as Principal Director of Audit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia having 15 Embassies/High Commissions/Consulates/PSUs/ITO etc. located across 15 countries e.g. China, Japan, South Korea etc.  Besides He was also on deputation as Director (Department of Space) and worked in the Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New Delhi twice.

Currently as Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai he is heading the office which is responsible for:

  • Compiling Monthly Civil Accounts of the State
  • Preparing Annual Finance and Appropriation Accounts
  • Inspection of 16 Treasuries in Western Maharashtra and Konkan Region, PAO Mumbai and Director of Accounts & Treasuries.
  • Maintaining GPF Accounts of State Government employees and All India Services Provident Fund accounts of All India Service Officers (Maharashtra).
  • Verification/authorization of pension/other retirement benefits to State Government employees for Greater Mumbai and 16 Districts of Western Maharashtra.