After implementation of CFMS package, the payment vouchers are downloaded and checked through the LOP. Subsequently, after downloading the sanction order (through notes and documents) of each voucher, the same is captured in the VLC Loans package and generating the index number, after which the payment voucher is posted with the INDX No. of the person concerned. Subsequently the recoveries also captured to the same number. .  The Fulfillment of Formalities of the loan should be furnished Under the Seal and Signature of the Loan Sanctioning Authority to this office.  At the end of the financial year Communication of Outstanding Balances will be hosted in DTA website.   After the completion of principal amount the DDO should recover the interest and intimate the same to this office as the interest account of the individual loan accounts are not maintained in this office.    On receipt of proposal from the DDO by certifying the recovery of Interest in full, Clearance Certificate will be issued by this Office. After downloading the sanction (Payments of Institutional Loans) the same is captured in the VLC Loans package and a Subsidiary Loan Recovery (SLR) number is generated.