• Integrated Financial Management System - Khajane -II (2021)
    Report Type: State Report
    PDF View (88.96 MB) Download
  • Functioning of Unique Identification Authority of India(2021)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of GSTN Phase II(2021)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • Functioning of Unique Identification Authority of India(2021)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • Functionality of IT Application System One CSIR(2021)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • MCA21
    Report Type: Union Report
  • Centralised Information Technology Billing System Being Operated by State Power Utilities in Uttar Pradesh(2021)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
    PDF View (32.36 MB) Download
  • Audit e-Panjiyan(2021)
    Report Type: State Report
  • Centralised Information Technology Billing System Being Operated by State Power Utilities in Uttar Pradesh(2021)
    Report Type: State Report
    PDF View (32.36 MB) Download
  • Dial 100 Emergency Response System(2021)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited