  • Computerised functions in Chennai Metropolitan water Supply and Sewerage board in Tamil Nadu(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • Bhavishya Nidhi GPF of Finance Dept in Bihar(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • SAMS (Student Academic Management System) in Orissa(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • Computerisation of billing system of Jodhpur Vidyut vitran nigam ltd in Rajasthan(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • Property Tax, Water Billing and other citizen service modules of Kalyan, Dombilli Municipal Corporation(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) in Rajasthan(2010)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit on Computerisation of Directorate of Accounts, Goa(2009)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of Computerisation of Value Added Tax (VAT) Information System in Commercial Taxes Department Tamil Nadu(2009)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of DVAT System of the Department of Trades and Taxes, Government of Delhi(2009)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Review on the Computerisation of Tamil Nadu StateMarketing Corporation Limited(2009)
    Report Type: State Report