• IT Audit of Water Billing System in Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation(2006)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of PRIME in South Eastern Raiway and Souther Railway(2006)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of Transport Department in Tripura(2006)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of VSAT based Money Order System in Deptt of Posts(2006)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of e-Procurement system in Andhra Pradesh(2006)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of Computerisation in Police Department in Tamil Nadu(2006)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of 'Khazane' - Computerisation of Treasuries in Karnataka(2006)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of Inter state check post automation system in Gujarat(2006)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of Transaction Accounting System in Metro Rail, Kolkata(2006)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of Water Billing System in Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation(2006)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited