• IT Audit on Computerisation of Land Record Project (Bhulekh) in Orissa(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of Integrated Vessel & Cargo Information and Billing System in Cochin Port Trust(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of ERP Modules in Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (Private) Limited, Bangalore(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of ERP Modules in Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (Private) Limited, Bangalore(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT audit of the Department of Transport of the Government of NCT of Delhi(2008)
    Report Type: State Report
  • IT Audit of Material Management System in Oil India Limited(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT review on Computerisation of Bihar State Electricity Board(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT Audit of Material Management System in Oil India Limited(2008)
    Report Type: Categorisation of IT Audit Reports classified as per functional area audited
  • IT audit of intranet portal - Sangam in Central Water Commission(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report
  • IT Audit of ERP based Financial Management Module in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited(2008)
    Report Type: Union Report