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This Audit Report has been prepared in six chapters. Chapters I to V deal with Social, Economic, Public Sector Undertakings, Revenue and General Sectors and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit observations. This Report contains 24 audit paragraphs (including 13 general paragraphs) and three Performance Audits. According to the existing arrangements, copies of the draft compliance audit paragraphs and draft performance audits were sent to the Secretary of the Department concerned by the Accountant General (Audit) with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. Replies were received from the departments concerned except in respect of two paragraphs (2.5 and 5.4).
The Audit on Implementation of Information and Communication Technology in Schools in Sikkim revealed that despite incurring a total expenditure of RS 7.95 crore, the intended objective was not fully achieved. The Department could not develop an environment conducive to widespread use of ICT in Schools even after incurring an expenditure of RS 3.76 crore on infrastructure alone. Most of the equipment purchased were lying non-functional. The implementation of ICT in Schools Scheme were characterised by various irregularities such as lack of survey and planning, delay in tendering the project, unjustified re-tendering, appointment of under qualified computer instructors, supply of sub-standard equipment. In order to implement the Scheme with the objective to create environment for widespread use of ICT, procurement of infrastructure was essential and there was also a need for either dedicated teachers to be in place or to get the in-house teachers fully trained.
Performance Audit of tourism development revealed that the Department had taken a number of steps for construction of infrastructure such as provision of way side amenities, yatri niwas and parks to provide better facilities to tourists. As a result, number of tourists visiting Sikkim showed consistent increase except for 2011 due to earthquake. Recognising the effort of the Department and overall tourism development in Sikkim, the Government of India (GOI) and other agencies had conferred a number of awards to the State. The awards included Best Performing State in North East (1998-2006), Best Eco-tourism Destination (2005), Emerging Tourist State (2008), Best State in Tourism Related Programmes and Development of Infrastructure (2010 and 2011), Best State for Adventure Tourism (2010), Best Performing State (2010), Best State for campaign Clean India (2012), Best Rural Tourism Project (2012-13). Recently, Sikkim has been named the best region to visit in 2014 by Lonely Planet, a leading global travel guide.