The Accountant General prepares the Monthly Civil Accounts, Appropriation Accounts and Finance Accounts of the State Government from the initial accounts compiled by the treasuries. The first stage of initial compilation is the daily accounting of the individual receipts and payments as they occur in the cash book and subsidiary register of the treasury.  Each district treasury compiles from these initial records the monthly schedules of receipts and payments for each major/sub major head.  These are forwarded to the Accountant General in two phases, known as the first List of payments (LOP) and second List of Payment. The first LOP embodying all payments booked between the first and the tenth of the month and accompanied by supporting schedules and vouchers, is due in the Accountant General’s Office not later than the 18th of the same month. The second LOP embodying all payments booked between the 11th and the last day of the month, along with supporting schedules and vouchers is due in the Accountant General’s office before the 8th of the succeeding month.

In the Accountant General’s office, the vouchers and schedules are distributed to the respective Accounting sections for detailed compilation and preparation of Classified Abstracts. The Classified Abstracts also contain details of inter-governmental transactions and all book adjustments initiated within the Accountant General’s Office.  The Consolidated Abstracts showing monthly progressive totals and the Monthly Civil Accounts are compiled from the Classified Abstracts.  The Monthly Civil Accounts containing details of receipts and expenditure of the Government up to the end of the month are sent to the State Government on the 25th of the succeeding month.

The Annual Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts of the State Government are prepared from the Monthly Civil Accounts and presented before the State Legislature.    Finance Accounts are the statements of receipts and payments of the State Government for the year.  Appropriation Accounts show the Grant-wise expenditure against provisions approved by State Legislature and offer explanations for variations between the approved and actual expenditure.