From the International Desk
1. The International role of the Supreme Audit Institution of India extends to following areas:
- Global Audit Leadership Forum(GALF) & other international multilateral bodies
- Bilateral relations with other SAIs
- Audits of International Organizations
The CAG of India occupies important positions in the above agencies. The prominent ones among these are the Chair of INTOSAI Committee on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services (KSC), the INTOSAI Working Group on IT Audit (WGITA), the Panel of the External Auditors of the UN and its Agencies, etc. The CAG of India is also the Chairman of ASOSAI. Some of the recent major events involving active participation of SAI India were:
2. MoU with SAI-Ukraine signed during the XXI INCOSAI 2013 at Beijing, China
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India signed MoU on 25 October, 2013 with SAI-Ukraine and also attended courtesy meetings with SAIs of South Africa, Vietnam, Nepal and Bhutan.

3. Renewal of MoU with SAI of Bhutan
On the Invitation of the Auditor General of Bhutan for renewal of existing Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation, the Comptroller & Auditor General of India visited Bhutan from 22-26 April, 2014 with delegation comprising Mr. R. Srinivasan, Pr. Director and Mr. Anadi Misra, Secretary to CAG.

4. 6th Indo-Kuwait Joint Seminar
The 6th Indo-kuwait Joint Seminar was hosted by SAI Kuwait from 14th to 17th April 2014 on "Environment Auditing". Participants from SAI India were Mr. Balvinder Singh, Additional Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General and Mr. M. K. Biswas, Director General and members of delegation from SAI Kuwait were Mr. Tareq Sulaiman Alkandari, Controller, Mr. Khaled Ameen Alawadhi, Chief Auditor and Mr. Talal Tareq Alwuhaib, Assistant Auditor. Both the SAIs presented two papers on Environment Audit and discussed the audit techniques and guidelines for the Environment Audit.

5. 14th Indo Polish Seminar
14th Indo Polish Seminar on 'Analysis of Audit Reports' was organised at Warsaw, Poland from 30 June to 4 July, 2014. Mr. Andrew Langstieh, Director General and Mr. S.A. Bathew, Pr. Accountant General attended the Seminar. Two Country Papers on 'Understanding a large IT audit project: Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and 'Analysis of an IT Audit Report on Computerisation of Land Records in Tamil Nadu' were presented in the Seminar by SAI India.
6. Indo-China Seminar
SAI India organised Indo-China Seminar at Kochi from 27-29th November,2014 on the topic of "Audit of Public Debt". Chinese delegation comprising of four members was led by Mr. Yuan Ye, Deputy Auditor General. From SAI India Mr. A.K. Singh, Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General led the delegation of three members.
7. Other Activities
Based on the request from the Auditor General Nepal and Comptroller & Auditor General of Bangladesh, SAI India conducted Peer Review of SAI Nepal and SAI Bangladesh from 16 June to 7th July, 2014 and from 3-30 June, 2014 respectively. The objective was to assess the performance of the two SAIs with reference to the Performance Measurement Framework prepared by the INTOSAI. The team leader of the Peer Review of SAI Nepal was Mr. Purushottam Tiwary, Pr. Director and in respect of SAI Bangladesh, Mr. G.Bhattacharjee, Director General led the team. The final Report of the Peer Review of SAI Nepal has been issued in November, 2014 after approval of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. In respect of SAI Bangladesh, the report is under finalisation.
8. UN Board of Auditors (UNBOA)
The United Nations General Assembly approved the appointment of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India as a Member of UN Board of Auditors for the period 1 July 2014 to 30th June 2020.
9. Audit Portfolio of CAG of India
The Comptroller& Auditor General of India is conducting
Financial/Certification, Performance, Compliance audit of the following UN Organizations/Agencies every year:
- United Nations Peace Keeping Operations(UNPKO)
- United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF)
- UN University(UNU)
- United Nation Joint Staff Pension Fund(UNJSPF)
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification(UNCCD)
- UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
- UN Escrow Account
- Portion of UN Headquarter(Procurement, HRM, Office of High Commissioner of Human Rights, UN Office at Geneva)
- World Food Programme (WFP)
- International Organization for Migration(IOM)
- World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
10. Panel of External Auditors of United Nations and its Technical Group
The External Auditors of UN (Members of the Board of Auditors) and its Specialised Agencies constitute the "Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations". The Panel meets once a year to address issues of developments in accounting/auditing practices worldwide. We have been a member of the Panel since 1993, by virtue of being the External Auditor of UN or its specialised agencies. CAG was the Chairman of the Panel from 2011 to 2013 and Director General (IR) was the Convener of the Technical Group of the Panel during that Period. |