Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 31 of 40, showing 10 records out of 396 total

23 March 2012
Compliance Financial Performance
Report of 2011 - Performance Audit on Revenue of Government of Meghalaya

This Report contains 44 paragraphs and three Performance Audits relating to under assessments/non-realisation/short realisation of penalties, taxes, duties etc. The total money value involved is RS 268 crore. During the year 2010-11. the total...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Environment and Sustainable Development
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30 March 2012
Compliance Performance
Report of 2011 - Performance Audit on Revenue of Government of Gujarat

This Report contains 50 paragraphs including four Performance Audits relating to non/short levy of tax, penalty, interest etc. involving Rs. 462.98 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below: The total revenue receipts of the Government...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Information and Communication
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22 March 2013
Compliance Performance
Report of 2012 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Assessment, Levy and Collection of Major and Minor Mineral Receipts on Revenue Sector for the year ended March 2011 - Government of Chhattisgarh

The Audit Report for the year ended March 2011 (Revenue Receipts), Governments of Chhattisgarh contains seven chapters  33 paragraphs with a financial effect of Rs. 294.54 crore. Chapter-I : Introduction  of Management of mineral...

Taxes and Duties
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22 March 2013
Compliance Performance
Report of 2012 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Sector for the year ended 31 March 2012 - Government of Chhattisgarh

This Report contains 40 paragraphs including one Performance Audit relating to underassessment/short levy/loss of revenue, irregular/doubtful expenditure, etc. involving Rs. 1,568.91 crore. The Departments/Govemment have accepted audit observations...

Taxes and Duties
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03 April 2013
Financial Performance
Report 2 of 2012 - Performance Audit on Revenue of Government of Assam

This Report contains 41 paragraphs relating to non/short levy of taxes, royalty, fees, rent, interest and penalty etc., loss of revenue, irregular exemption and other irregularities. It also contains a performance audit on 'Working of Recovery...

Taxes and Duties |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Environment and Sustainable Development
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27 September 2012
Compliance Financial Performance
Arunachal Pradesh
Report of 2011 - Financial and Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Arunachal Pradesh

This Report contains three performance reviews (including one on Chief Controlling Officer based audit of a Government) and 35 audit paragraphs based on the audit of certain selected programmes and activities and the financial transactions of the...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Science and Technology |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
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30 March 2012
Report No. 29 of 2011 - Compliance Audit on Indirect Taxes – Service Tax Union Government, Department of Revenue

This Report contains 24 paragraphs with a revenue implication of RS 49.48 crore, out of which RS 3.21 crore has been recovered. We had also issued another 175 paragraphs involving money value of RS 155.26 crore to the Commissionerate/Ministry on...

Taxes and Duties
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30 March 2012
Report No. 28 of 2011 - Compliance Audit on Indirect Taxes – Central Excise Union Government, Department of Revenue

This Report contains 30 paragraphs, with a revenue implication of Rs.45.47 crore. We had issued another 129 paragraphs involving money value of Rs.112.53 crore to the department/Ministry on which rectificatory action was taken in the form of issue...

Taxes and Duties
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30 April 2013
Report No. 23 of 2012 - Performance Audit of IT Applications in Income Tax Department

The main objectives of the IT Applications in Income Tax Department (ITD) were to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax administration and provide management with reliable and timely information towards effective planning as also...

Taxes and Duties
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30 May 2012
Compliance Performance
Uttar Pradesh
Report of 2011 - Performance Audit on Sale of Sugar Mills of Uttar Pradesh State Corporation Ltd of Government of Uttar Pradesh

Sugar is produced in over 122 Countries across the World. It is estimated that the world production would be around 167 million metric tonne in the 2010-11 International Sugar Season (October-September). India is the second largest sugar producer in ...

Taxes and Duties |
Industry and Commerce
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