Page 30 of 30, showing 6 records out of 296 total
Audit of Government companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by CAG....
This Report contains 28 paragraphs (including three general paragraphs) and five performance reviews (including one integrated audit). The draft audit paragraphs and draft performance reviews were sent to the Commissioner/Secretary of the...
This Report includes important Audit findings noticed as a result of test check of accounts and records of Central Government Companies and Corporations conducted by the officers of the C&AG of India under Section 619(3) (b) of the Companies...
The gross traffic receipts of Rs.79,861.85 crore registered a growth of 11.35 per cent and the working expenses of Rs.71,839.30 crore rose by 31.91 per cent over the year 2007-08. The net revenue surplus of Rs.4,456.78 crore after payment of...
There are 11 major ports in India governed by the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963, which serve as the primary conduit for India's international trade, by handling three-fourths of the nation's maritime cargo. These ports function as autonomous bodies...
This Report on the audit of expenditure incurred by the Government of NCT of Delhi for the financial year ended March 2009 has been prepared for submission to the Lieutenant Governor under Article 151(2) of the Constitution of India. The report...