Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 26 of 40, showing 10 records out of 396 total

26 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Report 3 of 2014 - Report of the comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Sector for the year ended 31 March 2014 - Government of Chhattisgarh

This Report contains 19 paragraphs including one Performance Audit and one Long Draft Paragraph involving Rs. 288.99 crore relating to underassessment, non/short levy of revenue etc. under 'Part-A' out of which Rs. 257.76 crore was irrecoverable...

Taxes and Duties
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31 March 2015
Report 4 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Revenue Sector of Government of Assam

This Report contains 31 paragraphs relating to non/short levy of taxes, royalty, fees, rent, interest and penalty etc., loss of revenue, irregular exemption and other irregularities. It also contains a performance audit on 'Efficiency and...

Taxes and Duties |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Agriculture and Rural Development
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13 July 2015
Compliance Financial Performance
Arunachal Pradesh
Report of 2014 – Compliance, Financial and Performance Audit on Social Public Sector Undertakings(SPSUs) of Government of Arunachal Pradesh

This Audit Report has been prepared in five Chapters. Chapters I to IV deal with Social, Economic (other than Public Sector Undertakings), Revenue, Economic(Public Sector Undertakings) Sectors and Chapter VI deals with Follow up of Audit...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Science and Technology |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
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18 July 2014
Report No. 10 of 2014 - Compliance Audit on Direct Taxes Union Government, Department of Revenue

This Report discusses trends, composition and systemic issues in direct taxes using data from Finance Accounts, departmental accounts, departmental MIS and findings of compliance audit.Gross tax receipts (GTR) of Union Government in FY 2012-13 was...

Taxes and Duties
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01 August 2014
Report No. 12 of 2014 - Compliance Audit on indirect Taxes Union Government, Department of Revenue Customs

The Customs Compliance Report has been chapters comprisisng 139 paragraphs with revenue implication of Rs. 1832.41 crore.,  Of these, in respect of 84 paragraphs, involving money value of Rs. 39.67 crore, the department/Ministry had taken...

Taxes and Duties
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18 July 2014
Report No. 8 of 2014 - Compliance Audit on indirect Taxes - Central Excise Union Government, Department of Revenue

This Report contains 62 audit observations pertaining to Central Excise duties, having a revenue implication totaling RS 182.90 crore. The Ministry/department had, until March 2014, accepted audit observations involving revenue of RS 179.44 crore...

Taxes and Duties
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18 July 2014
Report No. 6 of 2014 - Compliance Audit on Indirect Taxes - Services Tax Union Government, Department of Revenue

This Report contains 151 audit observations pertaining to Service Tax, having revenue implication totalling RS 265.75crore. The Ministry/department had, till February 2014, accepted 147 audit observations involving revenue of  RS 262.29 crore...

Taxes and Duties
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19 December 2014
Report No. 33 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Central Excise Administration in Automotive Sector of Union Government, Department of Revenue-Indirect Taxes,Central Excise

We conducted a performance audit in 40 selected Commissionerates, including examination of records relating to 239 assessees manufacturing automobiles or parts thereof, to seek assurance that the indirect tax administration is adequately placed to...

Taxes and Duties
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28 November 2014
Report No. 29 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Administration of Prosecution and Penalties in Central Excise and Service Tax of Union Government, Department of Revenue - Indirect Taxes, Central Excise and Service Tax

Prosecution is the commencement of a criminal proceeding, where the Government exhibits before a Court of Law the formal charges against a person accused of an offense and seeks to impose on such person a suitable punishment and penalty. Thus, in...

Taxes and Duties
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28 November 2014
Report No. 21 of 2014 - Performance Audit of Special Economic Zones SEZs of Union Government, Department of Revenue - Indirect Taxes, Customs

A Special Economic Zone is a geographical region within a Nation-State in which a distinct legal frame work provides for more liberal economic policies and governance arrangements than prevail in the country at large. The geographical areas thus...

Taxes and Duties
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