Page 17 of 18, showing 10 records out of 176 total
This Report has seven chapters containing observations of audit on accounting procedures and financial management, receipts, establishment, material management and execution of works,implementation of schemes, performance audit as well as other...
Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns,a component of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, was launched by the Government of India on 3rd December 2005 for the period of seven years beginning from 2005-06 for...
Government of India introduced (January 2007) the Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) programme with an objective to redress regional imbalances in development and to bridge critical gaps in local infrastructure and other development requirements...
This report includes three Chapters. The ChapterI and II contain an overview of the Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies(ULBs) respectively. Chapter-III comprises audit paragraphs on the financial transaction under Sampoorna Gramin...
The Report contains eight chapters containing observation of audit on accounts and financial management, revenue receipts, establishment, transaction audit,implementation of schemes, other important observations and conclusion and recommendations.A...
This Audit Report includes two performance reviews and ten audit paragraphs on Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). It also contains observations on the accounts and finances of Local Bodies and the results of...
This Audit Report includes six chapters containing observations of Audit on accounting procedure and financial management, revenue receipts, establishment, material management, implementation of schemes, as well as observations on the structure and...
This Report comprises three Chapters. Chapter I includes four performance audit reviews, Chapter II includes 25 paragraphs on audit of financial transactions of various Government departments and Chapter III includes a report on an integrated audit...
This Report has been prepared for submission to the Governor under Article 151 of the Constitution. Chapter-1 of this report indicates auditee profile, authority for audit, planning and conduct of audit, organisational structure of office of the...
The Report includes three Chapters containing five reviews and 18 paragraphs. Chapter 1 deals with the findings of performance audit in various departments while Chapter II deals with the findings of audit of transactions in the various departments...