Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 12 of 30, showing 10 records out of 292 total

31 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Report No. 1 of 2015 - Compliance and Performance Audit on Economic Sector of Government of Gujarat

This Report is prepared for submission to the Governor of the State of Gujarat under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. The audit of expenditure by the Departments of the State Government is conducted under Section 13 of the Comptroller and...

Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Infrastructure
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10 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Report No. 3 of 2015 - Compliance on Revenue Sector of Government of Haryana

This Report contains 24 paragraphs including one IT Audit on 'Haryana Registration Information System' and other observations relating to non/short levy of taxes, interest, penalty, non/short levy of excise duty, passenger and goods tax, royalty...

Taxes and Duties |
Transport & Infrastructure
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25 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Report No. 2 of 2015 - Compliance and Performance Audit on Social, General and Economic Sectors (Non Public Sector Undertakings) of Government of Haryana

This Report contains three Performance Audits i.e. (i) Working of Secondary Education Department; (ii) National Rural Health Mission; and (iii) Development of Urban Estates and 23 paragraphs relating to excess, irregular, unfruitful expenditure,...

Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Industry and Commerce |
Science and Technology |
Environment and Sustainable Development |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies |
Local Bodies
Download Full Report (PDF 25.94 MB)
25 March 2015
Compliance Financial Performance
Report No. 1 of 2015 - Compliance, Financial and Performance Audit on Economic and Social Sectors (Public Sector Undertakings) of Government of Haryana

This Report contains 12 paragraphs including two performance audits on 'Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana' and 'Haryana State Warehousing Corporation1 involving a financial effect of Rs. 126.45 crore relating to avoidable expenditure, non...

Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce |
Information and Communication |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare
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07 April 2015
Compliance Financial Performance
Report No. 1 of the Year 2015 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Public Sector Undertakings for the year ended 31 March 2014, Government of Bihar

This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Public Sector Undertakings, Government of Bihar, for the year ended 31 March 2014 includes an overview of Government companies and Statutory corporations, two Performance Audit Reports,...

Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Agriculture and Rural Development |
Social Welfare
Download Full Report (PDF 72.96 MB)
31 March 2015
Compliance Financial Performance
Report of 2015 -Report of the C&AG of India on State Finances for the year ended 31 March 2014 Government of Assam

This Report on the Finances of the Government of Assam is brought out with a view to assess objectively the financial performance of the State during the year 2013-14. The aim of this Report is to provide the State Government with timely inputs...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
Download Full Report (PDF 3.32 MB)
31 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Report No.1 of 2015 - Report of the C&AG of India on Social, General and Economic (Non-PSUs) Sectors for the year ended 31 March 2014, Government of Assam

This Report contains 32 paragraphs (Social Sector: 21, Economic Sector: 5 and General Sector: 6 including 3 general paragraphs) and three performance audit reports (Social Sector: 2 and General Sector: 1). The draft audit paragraphs and draft...

Taxes and Duties |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Art, Culture and Sports |
Social Welfare |
Education, Health & Family Welfare |
Social Infrastructure
Download Full Report (PDF 5.16 MB)
27 March 2015
Compliance Performance
Andhra Pradesh
Report No. 2 of 2015 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Economic Sector for the year ended March 2014 Government of Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest States of India with a population of Rs. 8.46 crore and a geographical area of 2,74,440 sq.kms. For purpose of Administration there are 33 Departments at the Secretariat level headed by Principal...

Transport & Infrastructure |
Science and Technology |
Agriculture and Rural Development
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08 May 2015
Report No. 14 of 2015 - Performance Audit on Dual Freight Policy for Transportation of Iron Ore Traffic in Indian Railways Union Government,Railways

Iron ore is an important commodity transported by Indian Railway (IR). A considerable share of total Iron ore consumed in India and exported from India is transported by IR. It is loaded mainly from 97 loading points over seven Zonal Railways.In IR, ...

Transport & Infrastructure
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30 April 2015
Report No. 10 of 2015 - Performace Audit of Capacity Expansion of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Union Government, Ministry of Steel

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL), the first shore based Integrated Steel Plant in the country was incorporated on 18 February 1982 with an installed capacity of 3 million tonne per annum (MTPA) with the main objective of production and sale of...

Transport & Infrastructure
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