Audit Reports

Report No. 1 of 2015 - Compliance and Performance Audit on Social, Economic, Revenue and General Sectors of Government of Nagaland
This Report contains eleven compliance audit paragraphs apart from the results of audit of Police Engineering Project and four Performance Audits-Implementation of "National Rural Health Mission", "Total Sanitation Campaign/Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan", "Activities of Department of Power" and "Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme". According to the existing arrangements, copies of the draft audit paragraphs and draft performance audits were sent to the Secretary of the departments concerned by the Accountant General (Audit) with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. Replies were not received from the Secretaries of the Departments concerned in respect of seven audit paragraphs.
The inadequate conduct of various surveys to assess the requirements of healthcare facilities in the rural areas led to partial assessment of the quality of prevailing healthcare services in the State. The financial management was not streamlined and there were instances of financial commitments not being honoured and delays in release of funds which impacted the achievement of Mission objectives. It was noticed that there were various deficiencies in construction activities and purchase of quality medicines and equipment. The targets set in respect of various healthcare programmes were not achieved. Monitoring of the implementation of the mission activities was not carried out as envisaged in the Mission guidelines. This resulted in inadequate translation of the Mission's objectives to tangible benefits in the State.
The process of planning was devoid of comprehensive assessment of beneficiaries/requirement of the rural needs, non-availability of reliable baseline data and lack of community participation in the preparation of PIPs. Funds were not released in time and the sharing pattern between GOI and State for various components as envisaged in the scheme guidelines was not followed. There was short release in State's matching contribution. There was lack of proper assessment for identification of IHHL beneficiaries and upkeep of the same by the beneficiaries. Open Defecation was practiced even in Nirmal Gram Puraskar awarded villages. Institutional toilets were dismantled or defunct due to land development, improper maintenance and lack of water facilities. The school toilets lack provision for children with special needs. The Anganwadi toilets were unhygienic and not "Baby friendly". Deficient IEC activities at the lower levels led to lack of awareness and non-generation of demand. Therefore, the supply driven approach adopted in the State could not achieve the desired results. There was lack of regular meetings at all levels for preparing the implementing strategies, monitoring the progress and ensuring quality of work. Specific Evaluation Study and Review of TSC/NBA by involving reputed organisations/institutions in the field of sanitation were not done. Social Audit was not conducted in any of the test checked villages.
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Report No. 1 of 2015 - Full Report
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Executive Summary
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Chapter 1 - Social Sector
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Chapter 2 - Economic Sector
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Chapter 3 - Economic Sector (Public Sector Undertakings)
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Chapter 4 - Revenue Sector
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Chapter 5 - General Sector
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Chapter 6 - Follow up of Audit Observations
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