Audit Reports

Audit Report (Civil), Punjab For the Year 2008-09
This Report includes two chapters comprising two performance audit and thirteen paragraphs dealing with the results of performance audit of the selected schemes/programmes as well as audit of the financial transactions of the Government and Autonomous Bodies under the Government. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Audit samples have been drawn based on statistical sampling methods as well as on judgmental basis. The specific audit methodology adopted for performance audit has been mentioned in the respective performance audit. Audit conclusions have been drawn and recommendations made, taking into consideration the views of the Government.
A summary of the audit comments on the performance of the Government in implementation of certain programmes and schemes and transaction audit findings is given below: The performance audit of Modernisation of Police Force disclosed that five-year perspective plans were not drawn. Delayed release of State share of funds and GOI share by the State Government adversely affected the implementation of the scheme. There was diversion of funds for unintended works and deviation from the approved norms. Construction of sizeable number of residential, non-residential and administrative buildings was either incomplete or was yet to be taken up despite availability of funds. The State Government submitted utilisation certificates to the GOI showing the entire amount utilised contrary to the facts. The satisfaction level of Police housing in the State was far below the target fixed by the GOI. Works worth Rs 14.32 crore were completed without obtaining requisite administrative approval. There was only nominal improvement in fleet strength as vehicles purchased were mostly for replacement of the old condemned/unserviceable vehicles. Equipment costing Rs 96-84 lakh was either not installed or non functional.
There was inordinate delay in implementation of the Common Integrated Police Application proj ect and all the envisaged modules were not being used in most of the police stations. Four police district headquarters and 83 police stations were yet to be covered under POLNET. Suitable buildings were not provided for installation of the sophisticated and costly 'Interactive Firearms Training Simulators Systems'. Firing practice on modern weapons was not being provided to the trainees at Punj ab Poli ce Academy, Phillaur. Funds allotted for Intelligence and Security were diverted for construction of houses and police posts.
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Report of 2009 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - Performance Audits
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Chapter 2 - Audit of Transactions
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