Audit Reports

Jammu and Kashmir State (Upto 30-Oct-2019)
Report No. 2 of 2014 - Compliance and Performance Audit on Social,General and Economic Sector of Government of Jammu Kashmir
This Report contains five Performance audits i.e. Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency, National Rural Water Prinking Programme, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, Development of Tourism and Working of University of Kashmir and 14 paragraphs involving Rs. 2956.17 crore relating to excess/ wasteful/ unfruitful/ infructuous/ avoidable unproductive expenditure, idle investment, blocking of funds, etc. Some of the major findings are mentioned below:
Major findings of Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency are given below:
The Agency did not deduct one per cent cess from the bills of the contractors for various construction projects resulting in non-recovery of Rs. 12.99 crore.
Agency had allotted 125 sub-projects/ contracts for execution at cost of Rs. 1346.37 crore during the period 2005-13. There was limited competition in the award of contracts by ERA as out of 112 contracts, 38 contracts had been allotted on single bid basis and 43 contracts on two bids basis.
Six sub-projects allotted at a cost of Rs.53.15 crore could not be completed (March 2013) within the targeted date by the Agency due to non-acquisition of encumbrance free land, clearance of the Forest Department, shifting of utilities etc and the work on these sub-projects had been terminated by the Agency midway after incurring an expenditure of Rs. 23.11 crore.
The bid evaluation committee failed to detect variation in the similar items of work while evaluating bids of three sub-projects on a single day, which resulted in allotment of works at an extra cost of Rs. 15.63 crore.
There was time overrun between one month and four years in 93 sub-projects and as against due performance security of Rs. 50.85 crore, the agency had obtained performance security of Rs. 36.15 crore.
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Report No. 2 of 2014 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - Introduction
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Chapter 2 - Performance Audit
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Chapter 3 - Compliance Audit
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