Audit Reports

Jammu and Kashmir State (Upto 30-Oct-2019)
Report No. 1 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Revenue and Public Sector Undertakings of Government of Jammu Kashmir
This Report contains one Performance Audit on "Exemption and remission of taxes to industrial units", and six paragraphs including a paragraph on "Irregularities in implementation of the Jammu and Kashmir State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act 2001 (Roshni Act)" involving Rs. 493.39 crore, relating to irregular exemption/ remission of taxes, short/non-levy of motor vehicles taxes, short levy of VAT, non-levy of penalty etc. in Part A and three paragraphs involving Rs. 247.20 crore relating to unfruitful development expenditure, non realisation of ground rent, non achievement of target for recovery of Non Performing Advances1, purchase of material in excess of requirement, etc. in Part B. Thus, the total money value of this Report containing one Performance audit and 9 audit paragraphs is Rs. 740.59 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below:
The total revenue receipts of the Government for the year 2012-13 were Rs. 26216.86 crore as compared to Rs. 24782.96 crore of the previous year. Out of this, 30.48 per cent was raised through tax revenue (Rs. 5832.43 crore) and non-tax revenue (Rs. 2160.19 crore). The balance 69.52 per cent was received from the Government of India as States' share of divisible Union taxes Rs. 3870.37crore) and Grants-in-aid (Rs. 14353.87 crore).
Test-check of the records of 70 units of Commercial Tax, State Excise, Motor Vehicles and other Departments conducted during the year 2012-13 showed underassessment/short levy / loss of revenue aggregating to Rs. 749.94 crore in 365 cases. The concerned Departments accepted underassessment and other deficiencies of Rs. 2.99 crore involved in 80 cases pointed out in audit during 2012-13 and earlier years.
A Performance audit on "Exemption and remission of taxes to industrial units" was conducted. Some major findings are given below:
Assessing Authorities allowed irregular exemption of tax of Rs. 6.51 crore to 32 industrial units who had not filed returns of their turnover and authorized inadmissible exemption of tax of Rs. 0.15 crore on unapproved finished product under the CST Act, besides interest of Rs. 0.13 crore was also leviable.
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Report No. 1 of 2014 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - General Information
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Chapter 2 - Audit Findings
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Chapter 3 - General Information
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Chapter 4 - Audit of Transaction
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