Audit Reports

Report of 2010 - Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Gujarat
This Report contains three chapters containing five reviews including one Information Technology Audit review and 14 paragraphs based on audit of certain selected programmes, schemes, activities and transactions of the Government.
The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The specific audit methodology adopted for audit of programmes and schemes has been mentioned in the reviews. The audit conclusions have been drawn and the recommendations made taking into consideration the views of the Government, wherever received.
Audit comments on the performance of the Government in implementation of some programmes and schemes are given below:
The progress of implementation of the Salinity Ingress Prevention Programme in the State was slow. As a result, an increase in the area affected by salinity ingression was noticed. Despite recommendations by High Level Committees (HLCs) appointed by the Government, no groundwater legislation was enacted to restrict and regulate the withdrawal of groundwater. Works of Bandharas and Spreading Channels could not be completed due to non-acquisition of land. Tidal Regulators were not functioning and Bandharas and Spreading Channels were found to have been constructed in upstream areas in deviation of the recommendations of the HLCs. The pace of execution of works for construction of Check Dams, Recharge Tanks, Nala Plugs etc., was not satisfactory. Impact of salinity ingress was observed on agriculture produce and groundwater quality.
The HLCs recommended (1978-1984) completion of all structures within seven years, but only 41 per cent of structural works was completed as of March 2010. The pace of completion of construction work was very slow in Madhavpur-Malia and Malia-Lakhpat reaches where only 26 and 29 per cent of the works were completed respectively as of March 2010. To avoid lapse of a Twelfth Finance Commission grant, Rs. 50.37 crore was withdrawn and deposited with other offices/divisions. Gates of the Rukmavati Tidal Regulator were not functioning despite incurring expenditure of Rs. 50.28 lakh on its repairs/maintenance. Twenty-two Bandharas were constructed away from the mouths of rivers. In seven cases, infructuous expenditure of Rs. 43.11 crore was noticed due to incomplete works for want of required land. Expenditure of Rs. 1.92 crore on the Wandh Bandhara proved wasteful due to location of a mega power plant in the upstream area of the Bandhara. No High Level Review and Monitoring Committee was constituted. Evaluation and impact analysis of structural works was not carried out even after issuance of a direction by the Government
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Report of 2010 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - Performance Audit
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Chapter 2 - Audit of Transactions
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Chapter 3 - Integrated Audit
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