करना नहीं करना
- Monthly account should be submitted by treasury to C.T. section of this Office as per the following schedule.
- First list of the account up to 13th of that month.
- Second list of the account till 5th of the next month.
- Reasons of delay if any in submission of account may be intimated through e-mail or telephonic massage to the Sr.AO/CT.
- Figures in the LOPs and SOPs should be legible and clear and therefore laser print may bepreferred.
- Figures mentioned in the LOP and cash account should tally with the figures mentioned on SOPs andSORs.
- The monthly account should be submitted only after the figure in R.B.D. statement and VDMs matches with the figure mentioned on the summary page of cashaccount.
- R.B.D. statement and VDMs may be compulsorily enclosed with the monthly account.
- The figures mentioned in the first list should match with the figures of the first list as mentioned in the second list and in case of any difference/correction, revised LOP and SOP should be submitted with the secondlist.
- S.O.P. tallies with the actual no. of vouchers given for a particular major head.
- Lapsed and cancelled cheque statements of the previous month should be submitted in a proper and legible format everymonth.
- C.D. of the monthly account must contain all files and in order to ensure that the correct data have been imported, full screening of C.D. may be done at the treasury itself prior to the submission of monthly account to thisoffice.
- The monthly account as taken on the C.D. may be submitted through e-mail as well, everymonth.
- Plus-minus memo for major head-8443 of every month may be compulsorily submitted along with the monthly account after duly tallying it with LOP and cash accountfigures.
- If any correction is carried out in plus-minus account, revised LOP and cash account should be submitted in due course oftime.
- Monthly accounts may not be submitted later than the scheduled dates.
- Monthly accounts showing any error or non-reconciliation should not be submitted.
- R.B.D. statement should not be submitted if any difference or errorexits.
- The number Vouchers less than the actual no. as shown against a major head should not besubmitted.
- L.O.P. and cash account may not be submitted in an illegible printor format.
- Defective C.D. may not be submitted at the time of submission of monthlyaccounts.
- Lapsed/cancelled cheque statements may not be submitted without properly verifying the amount, voucher no. and major head for which the statement has beenissued.
- Overwriting may not be done in print-out of both L.O.P and cash account.
- If overwriting has been done on the print-out of L.O.P. or cash account, clean and corrected revised copy of the print-out should besubmitted.