निर्माण लेखा परीक्षा
The Construction Audit Section is responsible for auditing the accounts of Surveys, Constructions of new lines, gauge conversion, doubling and other Major Projects undertaken by the South Western Railway.
Section & Function:
Admin: Maintenance of attendance, staff matters, register viz., Tools & Plant, weeding out of old records, Dead stock, Stamp and cash imprest, casual leave records, inward registers etc.
Books & Budget : Audit of Monthly Account Current, Journal Vouchers, Submission of Original Audit and Post Review Registers, preparation of returns like CMAR, Quarterly and confidential D.O. All returns to Co-ordination section/Hqrs. Audit and certification of Appropriation Accounts.
Establishment: Audit of Salary Bills of NGOs of Accounts Office and G.Os of CN/BNC including leave accounts and other records related. Audit of Journal Vouchers of Establishment Section. Disposal of replies on Audit Objection and Special investigation.
Expenditure: Audit of all expenditure Bills, Stores Bills, and Audit of contracts both entered into and completed, Journal Vouchers and other misc. vouchers. Audit of Purchase Orders etc. Disposal of Replies on Audit Objection and Special Investigation.
Inspection: Compliance audit as per Audit Plan. Rejoinder for all replies on Audit Objection including Special letter, D.P, Special Investigation. Audit and verification of Appropriation Accounts.
Auditee Units:
- Civil Engineering Department
- Accounts Department
- Personnel Department
- Electrical Department
- Signalling and Telecommunication Department
- Stores Department