Audit Reports

Reports older than 2009



Page 29 of 40, showing 10 records out of 396 total

11 January 2014
Compliance Performance
Madhya Pradesh
Report No. 1 of 2013 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Secotr for the year ended 31 March 2012 - Government of Madhya Pradesh

This Report contains 50 paragraphs including two Performance Audits relating to non/short levy of tax, interest, penalty, etc. involving Rs. 247.82 crore. The Departments /Govemment have accepted audit observations involving Rs. 115.54 crore out of...

Taxes and Duties
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04 March 2014
Compliance Performance
Report No. 5 of 2013 - Report on Revenue Sector of Government of Jharkhand

This Report contains 27 paragraphs including one review relating to non/short levy/loss of tax/duty having financial implication of Rs 633.61 crore, of which audit observations of Rs 513.04 crore have been accepted by the Government/ Departments....

Taxes and Duties
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27 July 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 1 of 2013 - Report on Revenue Sector of Government of Jharkhand

This Report contains 25 paragraphs including one Performance Audit relating to non/short levy/loss of tax/duty having financial implication of ` 484.72 crore, of which audit observations of Rs 311.07 crore have been accepted by the...

Taxes and Duties
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02 April 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 2 of 2013 - Performance Audit on Revenue Receipts of Government of Gujarat

This Report contains 73 paragraphs including one Performance Audit relating to non/short levy of tax, penalty, interest etc. involving Rs. 348.22 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure |
Power & Energy |
Industry and Commerce
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11 March 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 1 of 2013 - Financial and Performance Audit on Revenue Sector of Government of Haryana

This Report contains two Performance Audit and 18 paragraphs relating to non/short levy of taxes, duties, interest and penalty etc., involving tax effect of Rs. 1,746.01...

Taxes and Duties |
Transport & Infrastructure
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21 February 2014
Compliance Performance
Report No. 5 of 2013 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Sector for the year ended March 2013 - Government of Bihar

This Report contains 41 paragraphs including one review relating to non/short levy of tax, interest etc involving Rs. 269.74 crore. Some of the major findings arc mentioned below: Total receipts of the Government of Bihar for the year 2012-13 were...

Taxes and Duties
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01 August 2013
Compliance Performance
Report No. 2 of 2013 – Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Sector for the year ended March 2012 - Government of Bihar

This Report contains 37 paragraphs and one performance audit relating to non/short levy of tax, interest etc. involving Rs. 568.99 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned...

Taxes and Duties
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25 February 2014
Compliance Performance
Report 5 of 2013 - Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Revenue Sector for the year ended March 2013 - Government of Chhattisgarh

This Report contains 20 paragraphs including one review involving Rs. 92.85 crore relating to underassessment, non/short levy of revenue etc. under 'Part-A' and five paragraphs including one review involving Rs. 149.22 crore relating to incorrect...

Taxes and Duties
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04 August 2014
Financial Performance
Report 5 of 2013 - Financial Audit on Revenue of Government of Assam

This Report contains 35 paragraphs relating to non/short levy of taxes/ duties interest and penalty etc., loss of revenue, irregular exemption and other irregularities. It also contains a performance audit on 'Receipts under State Excise' and the...

Taxes and Duties |
Finance |
Transport & Infrastructure
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13 August 2013
Report No. 14 of 2013 - Compliance Audit on Customs Union Government, Department of Revenue

The Report has a total revenue implication of RS 31.48 crore covering 31 paragraphs. We had issued another 90 paragraphs involving money value of RS 30.80 crore on which rectificatory action was taken by the Department/Ministry in the form of...

Taxes and Duties
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