Page 8 of 8, showing 10 records out of 80 total
This Report has been prepared for submission to the Governor of Kerala under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. Chapter-I of this Report indicates profile of units under audit jurisdiction, authority for audit, planning and conduct of audit,...
The State of Kerala, located at the southern end of the country, accounts for one per cent of the total area of the country and about three per cent of the population. The State ranks high in the human development index with a literacy rate of 90.92 ...
This Report contains two reviews on Levy and collection of Motor Vehicles Tax and Working of Co-operation department and 52 paragraphs relating to non/short levy/loss of tax involving Rs. 1,048.55 crore. Some of the major findings are...
Overview of Government companies and Statutory corporations Audit of Government companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by CAG. ...
This Report comprises three Chapters. Chapter I includes three performance audit reviews and two information system reviews; Chapter II includes 18 paragraphs on audit of financial transactions of various Government departments and Chapter III...
The State Government enacted the Kerala Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2003 with a view to ensure prudence in fiscal management and fiscal stability by progressive elimination of revenue deficit and sustainable debt management consistent...
This Report contains a review on 'transition from sales tax to VAT in Kerala' involving Rs. 295.24 crore. Some of the major findings are mentioned below. The percentage of growth of revenue showed an inconsistent trend throughout the pre-VAT...
This Report contains 44 paragraphs including three reviews on cross A erification of purchase/sale effected under KGST/KVAT/CST acts, package for effective administration of registration laws (PEARL) in the registration department and recovery of...
Audit of Government companies is governed by Section 619 of the Companies Act, 1956. The accounts of Government companies are audited by Statutory Auditors appointed by CAG. These accounts are also subject to supplementary audit conducted by CAG....
This Report comprises three Chapters. Chapter I includes four performance audit reviews, Chapter II includes 25 paragraphs on audit of financial transactions of various Government departments and Chapter III includes a report on an integrated audit...