Audit Reports

Report of 2010 - Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Pondicherry
This Audit Report includes five chapters comprising four performance audit reviews and 12 transaction audit paragraphs relating to the Union Territory Government and its Companies. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Audit samples have been drawn based on statistical sampling methods as well as on judgement basis. The specific audit methodology adopted for audit of programmes and schemes has been mentioned in the reviews. Audit conclusions have been drawn and recommendations made, taking into consideration the views of the Government, wherever received.
A review of the functioning of the Pondicherry Institute of Post-Matric Technical Education (PIPMATE) Society, which runs four polytechnic colleges, revealed that inadequate provision of funds resulted in non-creation of infrastructure planned in polytechnic colleges. Government released grants-in-aid from Plan funds to meet the entire recurring expenditure of polytechnic colleges. Due to non-posting of teaching staff and non-establishment of a laboratory, the Fashion Technology course, started in 2007-08 in the Women's Polytechnic College, had to be discontinued in 2009-10. It was noticed that Mahe and Yanam Polytechnic Colleges had inadequate teaching staff and lacked basic infrastructure resulting in poor performance of students and dropouts. Monitoring of the functioning of the polytechnic colleges by PIPMATE was ineffective.
Performance audit of existing practices for management of waste in four out of five municipalities of the Union Territory of Puducherry revealed non-adoption of a systematic procedure for segregation of solid waste and non-establishment of scientific land fills by the urban local bodies. Plan grants released for taking up projects on waste processing and scientific disposal were utilised for daily clearance of garbage. In Yanam Municipality, bio-medical waste was mixed with municipal solid waste and dumped in the yard. Dumping the solid waste including plastic waste in open dump sites and burning them posed a potential environmental and health hazard. A large number of plastic manufacturing units were functioning without obtaining authorisation from the Puducherry Pollution Control Committee and there was no proper monitoring and enforcement of the Rules by the Committee.
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Report of 2010 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - Performance Audits
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Chapter 2 - Audit of Transaction
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Chapter 3 - District Audit
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Chapter 4 - Revenue Receipts
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