Audit Reports

Jammu and Kashmir State (Upto 30-Oct-2019)
Report of 2010 - Financial and Performance Audit on Civil and Commercial of Government of Jammu Kashmir
This Report contains Civil, Revenue and Commercial chapters comprising 22 paragraphs and six performance reviews (including one CCO-based review of Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department). Copy of draft paragraphs and reviews was sent to the concerned Commissioner/Secretary of the Department concerned by the Principal Accountant General with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. However, in respect of 19 draft paragraphs and six performance reviews included in the Report, no replies were received from the Commissioners/Secretaries concerned. A synopsis of the important findings contained in the Report is presented in the overview.
Technology Mission for integrated Development of Horticulture The Government of India (GOI) approved a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) 'Technology Mission (TM) for integrated development of Horticulture' in Jammu and Kashmir in 2003-04. The goals of the Mission are to establish convergence and synergy among ongoing governmental programmes in the field of horticulture. The department had not formulated a long term Horticulture policy for the State due to which it could not plan its activities on a scientific basis. The department had neither taken an integrated approach by involving all other concerned departments in planning nor collected data from the Remote Sensing Department for identification of waste land. Utilisation of funds was not proper which had resulted in huge unspent balances at the close of the financial years and loss of assistance to the State. Funds meant for implementation of the programmes were diverted to other activities and had resulted in non-achievement of the objectives. The department had laid more emphasis on area expansion thereby ignoring certain crucial activities like irrigation etc. which had adversely impacted survival of plants, and consequently production. The department had failed to provide outlets to the farmers for their produce. Monitoring mechanism was virtually non-existent.
The Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department (CAPD) is responsible for providing food security to the public in general and vulnerable sections of society in particular. The PDS has failed in its objectives to evolve as a major instrument for ensuring food security to the public, especially in case of BPL. The failure is evidenced by delay in identification of BPL families, non-lifting of the allocated food grains in full, inadequate storage capacity, non-fixation of norms of dryage/wastage for food grains and kerosene oil, etc. due to which the department could not entirely cover the target groups. Inefficient Management Information System, lack of effective planning, internal controls including monitoring and inspections was also noticed. Network for distribution of food grains/sugar was deficient.
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Report of 2010 - Full Report
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Chapter 1 - Performance Reviews
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Chapter 2 - Audit of Transactions
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Chapter 3 - CCO Based Audit
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Chapter 4 - Revenue Receipts
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Chapter 5 - Commercial Activities
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