Audit Reports

Report of 2009 - Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Gujarat
This Report contains three chapters containing four reviews and 10 paragraphs based on Audit of certain selected programmes/schemes, activities and transactions of the Government.
The audit has been conducted in accordance with the Auditing Standards prescribed for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Audit samples were drawn based on statistical sampling methods as well as on judgement basis. The specific audit methodology adopted for audit of programmes and schemes has been mentioned in the reviews. The audit conclusions have been drawn and the recommendations made taking into consideration the views of the Government, wherever received.
Audit comments on the performance of the Government in implementation of programmes and schemes are given below:
Modernization of Police Force Scheme approved by Government of India aimed at providing additional infrastructure to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the State Police Force.
A performance review on Modernisation of Police Force (MoPF) in Gujarat revealed that the Government did not prepare perspective plans and there were delays ranging between 14 and 128 days in submission of Annual Action Plans. Under utilization of allotted funds ranged between five and 68 per cent. DG &IGP purchased vehicles at a cost of Rs.2.75 crore though these were not approved in the Annual Action Plan. Contrary to scheme guidelines 119 vehicles purchased were utilized by district police officers instead of allotting them to police stations, out posts etc. DG&1GP allotted 2167 vehicles in place of condemned vehicles which was not permissible under MoPF scheme. Shortage of modern weapons ranged between 20 and 78 per cent and of ammunition ranged between 17 to 100 per cent. POLNFT System installed at a cost of Rs. 4.47 crore to integrate communication network of police department was almost non functional since installation due to poor quality of equipment and poor complaint redressal by Bharat Electronics Limited (supplier). The project of installing Digital Radio Trunking System in the City of Ahmedabad could not be completed even after three years of its approval despite allotment of Rs.10.01 crore. Automatic Finger Print Identification System purchased at the cost ofRs. 1.87 crore was not optimally utilized. There was cost overrun ofRs. 1.23 crore in construction of residentialuildings at Police Commissioner Head Quarters, Sahibaug, Ahmedabad. There was a saving of Rs.33.78 crore in completed works pertaining to residential and non residential buildings which was neither reported to GOI nor any new works taken up out of the savings. Despite Honorable Supreme Court's direction in September 2006, State Government did not make functional the State Security Commission, Police Establishment Board and State/District Police Complaint Authorities. There was on an average 24percent shortage of man power in various cadres of the police department. MoPF Scheme was not monitored by State Level Empowered Committee.
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