Audit Reports

Compliance Performance

Report 1 of 2017 on Social, General and Economic Sectors of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

Date on which Report Tabled:
Fri 10 Mar, 2017
Date of sending the report to Government
Government Type
Sector Finance,Social Welfare,Education, Health & Family Welfare


Performance Audit
Implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009: Effective implementation of the Act suffered due to poor planning and preparation, continuing vacancies as well as delay in release of funds and its utilisation.
Implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 in Delhi: Regulatory and administrative mechanism for enforcement of the Act was weak and key provisions were not complied with which compromised with the quality of food posing health hazard to general public.
Up-gradation of Healthcare Facilities in Delhi: Planning and execution of plans and projects were poor resulting in delay in their fructification and denial of the intended benefits to needy patients.
Implementation of Labour and Safety Laws in Industries by the Labour Department: Lack of diligent adherence to and enforcement of the provisions of the Acts provided no assurance as to the achievement of the fundamental objective of ensuring expeditious and fair resolution of industrial disputes and protection of the legitimate interests of the workers in terms of safety and health standards and protection from exploitation.

Compliance Audit
In addition to above, 12 paragraphs with financial implication of ` 282.63 crore relating to avoidable/wasteful expenditure, lack of monitoring of surplus balance, non-claiming of refund, deviation of rules/provisions of agreement, non-recovery and idle investment are also included in the Report.

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