Audit Reports

Report No. 20 of 2010 - Performance Audit of Civil on Autonomous Bodies
This Report contains results of performance audit of (i) Medical Council of India (ii) "Functioning of Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology" (iii)"Catalytic Development Programme" of Central Silk Board (iv) Role of National Centre for Jute Diversification in Promotion of Jute Diversified Products and (v) Functioning of Brahmaputra Board.
The Medical Council of India (Council) was established in February 1934 under an Act of Parliament-the Indian Medical Council Act 1933 repealed in 1956 by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (Act). It aims to establish uniform standards of medical education and recognition of medical qualifications granted by universities/medical institutions in India and abroad.Performance audit of the Council revealed instances of Min istry having granted permissions for establishment of new medical colleges, increase of seats, renewal of permission for admissions and starting of post graduate courses against the recommendations of the Council and norms prescribed in the Act. There were also instances of variations in Inspection Reports of the Council and the Ministry. During the period 2007-08 to 2008-09, 59 medical colleges countrywide admitted 326 students in post graduate courses in excess of their intake capacity in violation of provisions of Indian Medical Council Act. The Ministry did not Lake any action for de-recognilion in the case of nine medical colleges whose withdrawal of recognition was recommended by the Council due to persistent irregularities noticed by the Council in many inspections. The Council had not drawn up any schedule for periodical inspection of each medical college though its norms provided for such inspection once in every five years. Of the total colleges inspected by the Council during 2004-05 to 2008-09, 73 per cent were inspected after the prescribed period of five years. During the periodical inspections of 62 medical colleges, the Council noticed that there was a shortage of faculty beyond the permissible limits in 29 government and 19 private medical colleges and shortage of residents in 21 government and 18 private medical colleges. The Council did not have a mechanism to check whether doctors whose names were struck off the Indian Medical Register continued the practice nor did it publicize the names of doctors found guilty of professional misconduct in local press etc. as required under its regulations.
The Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) was set up in 1986, with a mandate to encourage, promote, and assist rural action and propagate appropriate rural technologies for the benefit of the rural poor. This was to be achieved mainly by promoting voluntary action dirough funding support for innovative, need-based projects,encouraging collaboration amongst voluntary organisation, and selecting,encouraging and disseminating innovative technologies.
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Report No. 20 of 2010 - Full Report
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Executive Summary
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Chapter 1 – Executive Medical Council of India (Ministry of Health & Family walfare)
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Chapter 2 - Functioning of Council for advancement of people's action and Rural Technology (Ministry of Rural Development)
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Chapter 3 - Catalytic Development Programme of Central Silk Board (Ministry of Textiles)
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Chapter 4 - Role of National Central for Jute Diversification in promotion of Jute Diversified products Board (Ministry of Texti
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Chapter 5 - Functioning of Brahmputra Board Board (Ministry of Water Resources)
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