Audit Reports

Report No 2 of 2016 - General and Social Sector Government of Gujarat
The Audit Report (General and Social Sector) for the year ended 31 March 2015 contains findings of three Performance Audits on “Delivery of Healthcare Services in Government Hospitals at District Level”, “Skill Development in Gujarat” and “Functioning of Vadodara Urban Development Authority”, one Theme Based Audit paragraph on “Follow-up Audit on Modernisation of Police Force in Gujarat” and three individual paragraphs on Audit of transactions. The shortfall in the cadres of Specialist Doctors ranged between 29 and 77 per cent, and that of Medical Officers ranged between seven and 69 per cent vis-a-vis IPH Standards. The situation was alarming in DH Surendranagar, DH Godhra and DH Petlad. Availability of beds in DHs was neither as per IPH Standards nor in consonance with the requirements. Audit observed instances of highly congested wards and patients lying on the floor; two patients were accommodated on one bed for transfusion of iron sucrose, and patients accommodated in the passageway due to non-availability of vacant beds.
Instances of supply of Not of Standard Quality (NSQ) medicines by Gujarat Medical Services Corporation Limited (GMSCL) were noticed in test-checked hospitals. Essential specialist services were either not available or partially available in the test-checked DHs except in DH Palanpur, due to vacant posts of Specialist Doctors. Intensive Care Units (ICU) meant to attend critically ill patients, were not available in DH Petlad, DH Surendranagar and DH Vadodara. Instances of higher neo-natal and maternal deaths, vacant posts of Gynaecologists and Paediatricians, and lack of life saving equipment and beds in the maternity ward of test-checked DHs were noticed. Equipment for conducting various tests were not available in the diagnosis and imaging departments in test-checked DHs.
Skill Development in Gujarat Gujarat Skill Development Mission (GSDM) has not formulated uniform skill development policy. Out of 1.63 lakh candidates enrolled, only 37 per cent could pass the Apprenticeship exam and 26 per cent of seats of apprentices remained vacant during 2010-15. Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) could set-up (2012-14) only 39 out of 200 Skill Up-gradation Centres (SUCs) targeted and could train only 0.14 lakh candidates till March 2015 nullifying the objective of preparing technically competent manpower as per industrial needs. Under Sant Shri Ravidas High Skill Training Programme (SSRHSTP) 17,052 candidates (36 per cent) got training against the target of 47,140 during 2010-15. Percentage of female trainees was only 18 per cent against envisaged 30 per cent. Female participation in Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) developed by Tribal Development Department (TDD) on Public Private Partnership mode for skill training to tribal youth was only 17 per cent against a target of 50 per cent set by TDD. Analysis of available data of trainees on web-portal under three major schemes revealed large number of duplications in same scheme and multiple trainings being availed of by same candidates. The achievement figures were thus over reported by 4.58 lakh trainees. Outcome of telephonic survey of 1060 beneficiaries revealed that more than a third of the trained persons surveyed remained unemployed post their skill development training. Also a remunerative salary eluded almost 44 per cent of employed candidates surveyed, as they received salaries less than minimum wages fixed by the State. Functioning of Vadodara Urban Development Authority. The reservation of land for specific purposes in the Town Planning (TP) schemes was not made by Vadodara Urban Development Authority (VUDA).
As against Rs.292.31 crore of funds received during the period 2010-15, VUDA could utilise only Rs.118.18 crore. The land acquired for Transport Nagar-cum-Logistic Park during 2000-04 remained undeveloped till date (January 2016). Out of 242 plots allotted to VUDA in 11 TP schemes for residential/commercial units for sale, SEWS housing, parks and garden, etc., only 17 plots could be sold/developed by VUDA. Follow-up Audit on Modernisation of Police Force in Gujarat. Though, adequate number of four-wheeler and two-wheeler vehicles were available with the Home department, some Police Stations were not having the prescribed number of vehicles as per norms of Bureau of Police Research and Development. Police Communication Network (POLNET) remained non-functional since its installation. Non-acquisition of land by Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority resulted in non-utilisation of pipes laid. Awarding of printing work of revised curriculum and syllabus without resorting to e-tender process by Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) to an agency at a conditional rate resulted in extra avoidable payment of Rs.6.69 crore and undue favour to the agency. Contractual employee was suspended and reinstated in regular pay scale as if he was a government servant resulting in irregular payment of subsistence allowance and salary of Rs.66.88 lakh.
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