Audit Reports

Report No. 4 of the year 2021 Compliance Audit of Social, General and Economic Sectors for the year ended 31 March 2020 (Government of Haryana)
This Report contains 19 paragraphs relating to excess, irregular, unfruitful expenditure, avoidable payments, losses to State Government, shortcomings in implementation of rules and programmes, etc. involving ₹1,125.46 crore. Compliance audit paragraphs relating to the management of State Government Departments other than Public Sector Undertakings involving money value of ₹69.08 crore includes deficiencies in instances of loss to the State Exchequer due to delayed claim of lower interest charges, irregular expenditure on watch and ward, parking of Government funds, loss due to non-recovery of lease money, non-recovery of compensation from contractor, recoverable amount from employers against declined cheques, excess payment to professional services provider, extra expenditure on purchase of land and wasteful expenditure on non-functional water works were noticed. There were instances relating to the management of State Government Companies of Power Sector and other than Power Sector involving money value of ₹1,056.38 crore includes deficiencies in purchase of power in Haryana, delayed implementation of Mhara Gaon Jagmag Gao Scheme, non-recovery of differential tariff by Haryana Power Sector Undertakings. Instances of non-achievement of envisaged benefits of training to participants, non-levy of extension fee, misappropriation of paddy, interest/penalty due to non-deposit of VAT in time, damage of wheat stock, misappropriation of paddy/Custom Milled Rice and poor financial management by Companies/Corporations were also noticed in respect of other than Power Sector Undertakings.
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Report No. 4 of the year 2021 Compliance Audit of Social, General and Economic Sectors for the year ended 31 March 2020 (Government of Haryana)
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