Audit Reports

Report No. 17 of 2021 - Union Government, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, compliance Audit on Administration of Nazul Lands by Land and Development Office
Administration of Nazul Lands by Land and Development Office
The Land and Development Office (L&DO), an attached office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is responsible for the administration of leasehold properties of the Government of India. These properties include, inter alia, Nazul Lands i.e., lands acquired in the year 1911 for the formation of capital of India at Delhi. Functioning of L&DO was previously reviewed and reported in the CAG’s Audit Report No. 6 of 2009-10 and the Report was discussed by the Public Accounts Committee.
During the follow-up audit, it was observed that despite Ministry’s assurances given in the Action Taken Notes submitted to the Public Accounts Committee, most of the deficiencies pointed out in the Audit Report continued to persist. Follow-up Audit revealed that L&DO did not have the authentic figures of its leased properties. L&DO did not calculate and review dues from leases, nor did it enforce them on defaulters in a timely manner. The year-wise inspections conducted by L&DO during the years 2016-17 to 2020-21 ranged between five per cent and eight per cent of the mandatory inspection required to be conducted annually. L&DO's administration of lease applications was found to be ineffective and inefficient, with excessive delays in the disposal of applications. The objective of computerization of records was defeated by incomplete information in e-Dharti portal. Further, there was no system in place in Sub-registrar offices to demarcate/ identify L&DO land, resulting in its sale without the knowledge of L&DO. Thus, the valuable land under the control of L&DO was being mismanaged due to poor administration and neglect.
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Report No. 17 of 2021 - Union Government, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, compliance Audit on Administration of Nazul Lands by Land and Development Office
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Executive Summary
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Chapter 1: Introduction
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Chapter 2: Mandate, Audit Scope and Methodology
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Chapter 3: Assurances to PAC
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Chapter 4: Other Issues
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Chapter 5: Conclusion
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