Audit Reports

Jammu and Kashmir State (Upto 30-Oct-2019)
Report No.3 of 2018 - Social, General, Economic (Non-PSUs) sectors Government of Jammu and Kashmir
This Report contains four Performance audits i.e. National Afforestation Programme, National Health Mission Kashmir region, Power purchase agreements and electric revenue collection and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, 27 paragraphs involving Rs.4,011.31 crore relating to avoidable, extra, unfruitful, unproductive and wasteful expenditure, misappropriation/ short remittance of sale proceeds of food grains, blocking of funds, undue favour to contractor and embezzlement of Government money etc.
The total expenditure of the State increased from Rs.30,434 crore to Rs.48,174 crore during 2012-17, the revenue expenditure of the State Government increased by 59 per cent from Rs.25,117 crore in 2012-13 to Rs.39,812 crore in 2016-17. Non-Plan/ Normal revenue expenditure increased by 60 per cent from Rs.23,560 crore to Rs.37,812 crore and capital expenditure increased by 59 per cent from Rs.5,224 crore to Rs.8,286 crore during the period 2012-17. Total grants-in-aid from GoI increased from Rs.14,354 crore to Rs.20,598 crore during the period 2012-17. During 2016-17, compliance audit of 645 Drawing and Disbursing Officers of the State and 126 units of 12 autonomous bodies was conducted by the Office of the Accountant General (Audit), Jammu and Kashmir.
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Report No.3 of 2018 - Social, General, Economic (Non-PSUs) sectors Government of Jammu and Kashmir
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